PowRO - Archangels: Viewing Monster (Incarnation of Morocc)

Viendo el Monstruo

#1921: Incarnation of Morocc

Mob ID 1921 Sprite MOROCC_4
Nombre kRO Incarnation of Morocc Custom No
Nombre iRO Incarnation of Morocc HP 77,389
Tamaño Medium SP 0
Raza Demon Nivel 134
Elemento Ghost (Lv 3) Velocidad 150
Experiencia 14,975 Ataque 1,235~599
Experiencia Job 11,150 Defensa 109
Experiencia MVP 0 Defensa Mágica 54
Delay de Ataque 1,536 ms Distancia 1
Movimiento de Ataque 648 ms Distancia de Habilidades 10
Delay de Movimiento 300 ms Distancia de Visión 12
Modo del Mob
  • Change Target Chase
  • Change Target Melee
  • Change Chase
  • Cast Sensor Chase
  • Can Attack
  • Cast Sensor Idle
  • Aggressive
  • Can Move
Stats del Mob
STR 114 AGI 88 VIT 62
INT 97 DEX 164 LUK 43

Incarnation of Morocc Item Drops

Item ID Nombre del Item Chance de Drop Se puede robar
2729 Diabolus Ring 0.15% Yes
7799 Crystal of Darkness 25% Yes
7798 Fragment of Darkness 75% Yes
984 Oridecon 4% Yes
7053 Cyfar 87.5% Yes
2129 Exorcism Bible 0.5% Yes

Habilidades del mob “Incarnation of Morocc”

Nombre Nivel Estado Chance Casteo Delay Cancelable Target Condición Valor
Incarnation of Morocc@AL_PNEUMA 1 Idle 100% 0s 1s Yes Self longrangeattacked None
Incarnation of Morocc@AL_HEAL 11 Idle 100% 0s 5s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 45
Incarnation of Morocc@AL_TELEPORT 1 Idle 100% 0s 0s Yes Self rudeattacked None
Incarnation of Morocc@AL_TELEPORT 1 Chase 50% 0s 5s Yes Self rudeattacked None
Incarnation of Morocc@AL_HEAL 11 Idle 100% 0.5s 0s Yes Friend friendhpltmaxrate 99
Incarnation of Morocc@AL_HEAL 11 Chase 100% 0.5s 0s Yes Friend friendhpltmaxrate 99
Incarnation of Morocc@AL_HEAL 11 Attack 100% 0.5s 0s Yes Friend friendhpltmaxrate 99
Incarnation of Morocc@AL_HEAL 11 Attack 100% 0.5s 0s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 70
Incarnation of Morocc@HP_ASSUMPTIO 5 Idle 50% 1s 5s No Friend friendhpltmaxrate 90
Incarnation of Morocc@HP_ASSUMPTIO 5 Chase 50% 1s 10s No Friend friendhpltmaxrate 90
Incarnation of Morocc@HP_ASSUMPTIO 5 Attack 50% 1s 10s No Friend friendhpltmaxrate 90