PowRO - Archangels: Viewing Monster (Tendrillion)

Viendo el Monstruo

#1991: Tendrillion

Mob ID 1991 Sprite TENDRILRION
Nombre kRO Tendrillion Custom No
Nombre iRO Tendrillion HP 1,397,451
Tamaño Medium SP 0
Raza Brute Nivel 126
Elemento Earth (Lv 2) Velocidad 100
Experiencia 327,510 Ataque 1,403~1,320
Experiencia Job 207,065 Defensa 132
Experiencia MVP 0 Defensa Mágica 123
Delay de Ataque 500 ms Distancia 2
Movimiento de Ataque 960 ms Distancia de Habilidades 10
Delay de Movimiento 360 ms Distancia de Visión 12
Modo del Mob
  • Change Target Chase
  • Change Target Melee
  • Change Chase
  • Cast Sensor Chase
  • Can Attack
  • Cast Sensor Idle
  • Aggressive
  • Can Move
Stats del Mob
STR 144 AGI 66 VIT 77
INT 181 DEX 203 LUK 132

Tendrillion Item Drops

Item ID Nombre del Item Chance de Drop Se puede robar
2544 Leather of Tendrilion 12.5% Yes
1186 Death Guidance 2.5% Yes
1637 Eraser 2.5% Yes
6033 Horn of Tendrilion 100% Yes
6224 Bradium 0.25% Yes
7197 Tough Vines 100% Yes
7008 Stiff Horn 100% Yes
4463 Tendrilrion Card 0.2% No

Habilidades del mob “Tendrillion”

Nombre Nivel Estado Chance Casteo Delay Cancelable Target Condición Valor
Tendrilion@AL_TELEPORT 1 Idle 100% 0s 0s Yes Self rudeattacked None
Tendrilion@AL_TELEPORT 1 Walk 50% 0s 5s Yes Self rudeattacked None
Tendrilion@SM_PROVOKE 10 Chase 5% 0.6s 5s Yes Target myhpltmaxrate 80
Tendrilion@SM_PROVOKE 10 Attack 5% 0.6s 5s Yes Target myhpltmaxrate 80
Tendrilion@NPC_EMOTION 1 Chase 100% 0s 5s Yes Self always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_EMOTION 1 Attack 10% 0s 10s Yes Self always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_CRITICALWOUND 2 Chase 20% 0.5s 60s No Target always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_CRITICALWOUND 2 Attack 20% 0.7s 60s No Target always 0
Tendrilion@MO_BODYRELOCATION 1 Chase 20% 0.2s 1s Yes Target always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_WIDESLEEP 1 Chase 5% 0.3s 30s No Self always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_WIDESLEEP 1 Attack 5% 0.8s 30s No Self always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_WIDEBLEEDING 1 Attack 100% 0.5s 60s No Self always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_WIDEBLEEDING 1 Chase 100% 0.5s 60s No Self always 0
Tendrilion@SM_MAGNUM 5 Attack 5% 0.5s 5s No Self always 0
Tendrilion@WZ_EARTHSPIKE 3 Attack 5% 0s 5s No Target always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_CRITICALSLASH 1 Chase 5% 0.3s 30s No Target always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_CRITICALSLASH 1 Attack 5% 0.8s 30s No Target always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_COMBOATTACK 3 Attack 30% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Tendrilion@HW_GANBANTEIN 1 Attack 30% 0s 7s No Target always 0
Tendrilion@AS_SONICBLOW 10 Attack 20% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_DRAGONFEAR 2 Attack 5% 0s 10s Yes Self always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_GROUNDATTACK 4 Attack 10% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Tendrilion@PF_SPIDERWEB 1 Attack 30% 0s 10s Yes Target always 0
Tendrilion@NPC_ALLHEAL 1 Idle 100% 30s 30s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 80