PowRO - Archangels: Viewing Monster (King of the Alley)

Viendo el Monstruo

#2442: King of the Alley (MVP)

Mob ID 2442 Sprite B_SUPERNOVICE
Nombre kRO King of the Alley Custom No
Nombre iRO King of the Alley HP 268,800
Tamaño Medium SP 0
Raza Demi-Human Nivel 99
Elemento Fire (Lv 4) Velocidad 100
Experiencia 544,050 Ataque 5,877~3,526
Experiencia Job 445,000 Defensa 410
Experiencia MVP 272,025 Defensa Mágica 192
Delay de Ataque 76 ms Distancia 3
Movimiento de Ataque 384 ms Distancia de Habilidades 10
Delay de Movimiento 288 ms Distancia de Visión 12
Modo del Mob
  • Change Target Chase
  • Change Target Melee
  • Angry
  • Can Attack
  • Aggressive
  • Can Move
  • Cast Sensor Chase
  • Cast Sensor Idle
  • Change Chase
  • MVP
Stats del Mob
STR 206 AGI 194 VIT 181
INT 156 DEX 203 LUK 115

King of the Alley Item Drops

Item ID Nombre del Item Chance de Drop Se puede robar
7345 Handcuffs 100% Yes
603 Old Blue Box 100% Yes
617 Old Purple Box 100% Yes
616 Old Card Album 25% Yes
1622 Hypnotist's Staff 5% Yes
2000 Staff of Destruction 0.1% Yes

Habilidades del mob “King of the Alley”

Nombre Nivel Estado Chance Casteo Delay Cancelable Target Condición Valor
King of the Alley@AL_TELEPORT 1 Idle 100% 0s 0s Yes Self rudeattacked None
King of the Alley@AL_TELEPORT 1 Walk 50% 0s 5s Yes Self rudeattacked None
King of the Alley@NPC_WIDESILENCE 5 Attack 100% 1s 20s No Self myhpltmaxrate 80
King of the Alley@NPC_WIDESILENCE 5 Chase 100% 1s 20s No Self always 0
King of the Alley@WZ_STORMGUST 10 Attack 20% 0.5s 5s No Target always 0
King of the Alley@WZ_STORMGUST 10 Chase 100% 0.5s 5s No Target always 0
King of the Alley@NPC_EARTHQUAKE 5 Attack 100% 1.5s 30s No Self myhpltmaxrate 80
King of the Alley@NPC_EARTHQUAKE 5 Chase 100% 1.5s 30s No Self myhpltmaxrate 80
King of the Alley@MG_SAFETYWALL 10 Attack 10% 0s 5s No Self always 0
King of the Alley@HW_GANBANTEIN 1 Attack 100% 0.5s 7s No Target always 0
King of the Alley@NPC_WIDESLEEP 5 Attack 100% 1s 20s No Self always 0
King of the Alley@NPC_WIDESLEEP 5 Chase 100% 1s 20s No Self always 0
King of the Alley@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Attack 100% 0s 10s Yes Self always 0
King of the Alley@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Idle 100% 0s 10s Yes Self always 0
King of the Alley@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 1 Attack 100% 0.7s 10s No Self slavele 3
King of the Alley@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 1 Idle 100% 0.7s 10s No Self slavele 3
King of the Alley@WZ_JUPITEL 28 Attack 50% 0s 0s Yes Target always 0
King of the Alley@WZ_JUPITEL 28 Chase 50% 0s 0s Yes Target always 0
King of the Alley@WZ_JUPITEL 28 Attack 50% 0s 0s No Target always 0
King of the Alley@WZ_JUPITEL 28 Chase 50% 0s 0s No Target always 0