PowRO - Archangels: Viewing Monster (Spectre of Halloween)

Viendo el Monstruo

#26821: Spectre of Halloween (MVP)

Mob ID 26821 Sprite Halloween_Spectre
Nombre kRO Spectre of Halloween Custom No
Nombre iRO Spectre of Halloween HP 100,000,000
Tamaño Large SP 0
Raza Demon Nivel 200
Elemento Dark (Lv 4) Velocidad 100
Experiencia 50,000,000 Ataque 33,000~30,000
Experiencia Job 30,000,000 Defensa 318
Experiencia MVP 17,500,000 Defensa Mágica 90
Delay de Ataque 400 ms Distancia 1
Movimiento de Ataque 400 ms Distancia de Habilidades 10
Delay de Movimiento 300 ms Distancia de Visión 14
Modo del Mob
  • Change Target Chase
  • Change Target Melee
  • Change Chase
  • Cast Sensor Chase
  • Can Attack
  • Cast Sensor Idle
  • Aggressive
  • Can Move
  • MVP
Stats del Mob
STR 900 AGI 130 VIT 180
INT 3,500 DEX 3,500 LUK 600

Spectre of Halloween Item Drops

Item ID Nombre del Item Chance de Drop Se puede robar
25729 Shadowdecon 100% Yes
25731 Zelunium 100% Yes
1000332 Etherdeocon 100% Yes
20183 Costume There's..Something.. 10% No
20843 Candy Pouch Bag (Range) 5% No
20842 Candy Pouch Bag (Physical) 5% No
20844 Candy Pouch Bag (Magic) 5% No
25791 MVP! [Event] Inventory Expansion Voucher 65% No
100744 MVP! Hero's Weapon Modifier(Physical) 50% No
100745 MVP! Hero's Weapon Modifier(Magical) 100% No

Nota: Solo se puede obtener un drop MVP!

Habilidades del mob “Spectre of Halloween”

Nombre Nivel Estado Chance Casteo Delay Cancelable Target Condición Valor
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 3 Idle 100% 2s 5s No Self slavele 1
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 3 Idle 100% 0s 0s No Self onspawn 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Attack 100% 0s 30s Yes Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Idle 100% 0s 30s Yes Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Chase 100% 0s 30s Yes Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_POWERUP 5 Attack 100% 0s 30s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_POWERUP 5 Chase 100% 0s 30s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_AGIUP 5 Attack 100% 0s 30s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_AGIUP 5 Chase 100% 0s 30s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_PULSESTRIKE 5 Attack 20% 0s 30s Yes Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@HP_ASSUMPTIO 5 Chase 100% 0s 100s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 60
Spectre of Halloween@HP_ASSUMPTIO 5 Attack 100% 0s 100s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 60
Spectre of Halloween@HW_GANBANTEIN 5 Attack 20% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@AS_SONICBLOW 10 Attack 20% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@SA_DISPELL 5 Attack 100% 0s 30s Yes Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@SA_DISPELL 5 Chase 100% 0s 30s Yes Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_HOLYATTACK 10 Attack 20% 0.5s 5s No Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@CR_HOLYCROSS 10 Attack 20% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@KN_BRANDISHSPEAR 10 Attack 20% 0s 5s Yes Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_EARTHQUAKE 5 Chase 100% 1s 25s No Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_EARTHQUAKE 5 Attack 100% 1s 25s No Self myhpltmaxrate 30
Spectre of Halloween@WZ_VERMILION 21 Attack 10% 1s 5s No Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@WZ_VERMILION 21 Chase 20% 1s 5s No Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@AL_TELEPORT 1 Idle 100% 0s 0s Yes Self rudeattacked None
Spectre of Halloween@AL_TELEPORT 1 Chase 50% 0s 5s Yes Self rudeattacked None
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_RUN 1 Chase 100% 0s 0s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 1
Spectre of Halloween@AL_HEAL 9 Idle 100% 0s 2s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 99
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Attack 100% 0s 15s Yes Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Chase 100% 0s 15s Yes Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Idle 100% 0s 15s Yes Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_STONESKIN 4 Chase 100% 1s 30s No Self myhpltmaxrate 3
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_STONESKIN 4 Attack 100% 1s 30s No Self myhpltmaxrate 3
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_EVILLAND 10 Attack 100% 0s 15s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 50
Spectre of Halloween@SA_LANDPROTECTOR 5 Attack 100% 0s 30s Yes Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_CRITICALWOUND 3 Attack 20% 0s 30s Yes Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_SHIELDBRAKE 10 Attack 20% 0s 30s Yes Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_SLOWCAST 5 Attack 100% 0s 30s Yes Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_MAGICMIRROR 1 Attack 100% 0s 30s Yes Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_EXPULSION 1 Attack 0.5% 1s 30s No Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_WIDESTONE 5 Attack 100% 0.5s 15s No Self myhpltmaxrate 80
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_WIDESTONE 5 Chase 100% 0.5s 15s No Self myhpltmaxrate 80
Spectre of Halloween@LK_SPIRALPIERCE 1 Attack 20% 0.5s 5s No Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_PULSESTRIKE 5 Attack 100% 0.5s 5s No Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT 2 Chase 20% 0.5s 5s No Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT 2 Attack 20% 0.5s 5s No Self always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_ACIDBREATH 1 Attack 20% 1s 5s No Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_ACIDBREATH 1 Chase 20% 1s 5s No Target always 0
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT 1 Attack 10% 0.5s 5s No Self myhpltmaxrate 50
Spectre of Halloween@NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN 7 Attack 10% 0.5s 5s No Self myhpltmaxrate 50