Viewing Item
#1002: Iron Ore
Item ID |
1002 |
For Sale |
Identifier |
Iron_Ore |
Credit Price |
Not For Sale
Name |
Iron Ore |
Type |
Etc |
NPC Buy |
50 |
Weight |
15 |
NPC Sell |
25 |
Weapon Level |
0 |
Range |
0 |
Defense |
0 |
Slots |
0 |
Refineable |
Attack |
0 |
Min Equip Level |
0 |
Max Equip Level |
Equip Locations |
Equip Upper |
Equippable Jobs |
Equip Gender |
Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction |
Item Use Script |
Equip Script |
Unequip Script |
Iron Ore Dropped By
Monster ID |
Monster Name |
Iron Ore Drop Chance |
Can be stealed |
Monster Level |
Monster Race |
Monster Element |
2756 |
Metaling Ringleader |
90% |
Yes |
81 |
Formless |
Level 1 Neutral
20255 |
Red Teddy Bear |
90% |
Yes |
160 |
Formless |
Level 1 Fire
2755 |
Solid Metaling |
90% |
Yes |
81 |
Formless |
Level 1 Neutral
2857 |
Elusive Deniro |
56.25% |
Yes |
31 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
2905 |
Elusive Ambernite |
50% |
Yes |
19 |
Insect |
Level 1 Water
2872 |
Elusive Chonchon |
50% |
Yes |
5 |
Insect |
Level 1 Wind
25952 |
Old Heavy Metaling |
50% |
Yes |
73 |
Formless |
Level 1 Neutral
25951 |
Old Metaling |
50% |
Yes |
26 |
Formless |
Level 1 Neutral
2902 |
Solid Andre |
43.75% |
Yes |
33 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
2645 |
Elusive Stainer |
37.5% |
Yes |
21 |
Insect |
Level 1 Wind
25953 |
Old Iron Fist |
37.5% |
Yes |
47 |
Insect |
Level 3 Neutral
2634 |
Furious Thief Bug |
31.25% |
Yes |
21 |
Insect |
Level 3 Neutral
2741 |
Muka Ringleader |
31.25% |
Yes |
23 |
Plant |
Level 1 Earth
2632 |
Solid Thief Bug |
31.25% |
Yes |
21 |
Insect |
Level 3 Neutral
2633 |
Thief Bug Ringleader |
31.25% |
Yes |
21 |
Insect |
Level 3 Neutral
26441 |
Insane Chonchon |
30% |
Yes |
180 |
Insect |
Level 1 Wind
26437 |
Insane Piere |
30% |
Yes |
180 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
26438 |
Insane Andre |
26.25% |
Yes |
180 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
1977 |
Heavy Metaling |
25% |
Yes |
107 |
Formless |
Level 1 Neutral
1613 |
Metaling |
25% |
Yes |
81 |
Formless |
Level 1 Neutral
1008 |
Pupa |
25% |
Yes |
4 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
1230 |
Pupa |
25% |
Yes |
2 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
26384 |
Hardcore Deniro |
22.5% |
Yes |
150 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
26389 |
Hardcore Chonchon |
20% |
Yes |
150 |
Insect |
Level 1 Wind
26385 |
Hardcore Piere |
20% |
Yes |
150 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
26434 |
Insane Muka |
18.75% |
Yes |
180 |
Plant |
Level 1 Earth
1212 |
Iron Fist |
18.75% |
Yes |
47 |
Insect |
Level 3 Neutral
26386 |
Hardcore Andre |
17.5% |
Yes |
150 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
26382 |
Hardcore Muka |
12.5% |
Yes |
150 |
Plant |
Level 1 Earth
1105 |
Deniro |
11.25% |
Yes |
31 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
1239 |
Deniro |
11.25% |
Yes |
19 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
3402 |
Deniro |
11.25% |
Yes |
104 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
26436 |
Insane Deniro |
11.25% |
Yes |
180 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
1094 |
Ambernite |
10% |
Yes |
19 |
Insect |
Level 1 Water
1011 |
Chonchon |
10% |
Yes |
5 |
Insect |
Level 1 Wind
3407 |
Chonchon |
10% |
Yes |
105 |
Insect |
Level 1 Wind
1160 |
Piere |
10% |
Yes |
32 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
1238 |
Piere |
10% |
Yes |
18 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
3403 |
Piere |
10% |
Yes |
104 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
1095 |
Andre |
8.75% |
Yes |
33 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
1237 |
Andre |
8.75% |
Yes |
17 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
3404 |
Andre |
8.75% |
Yes |
105 |
Insect |
Level 1 Earth
1174 |
Stainer |
7.5% |
Yes |
21 |
Insect |
Level 1 Wind
1053 |
Thief Bug Female |
7.5% |
Yes |
28 |
Insect |
Level 1 Dark
1178 |
Zerom |
7.5% |
Yes |
70 |
Demi-Human |
Level 1 Fire
1055 |
Muka |
6.25% |
Yes |
23 |
Plant |
Level 1 Earth
1854 |
Muka |
6.25% |
Yes |
17 |
Plant |
Level 1 Earth
3400 |
Muka |
6.25% |
Yes |
104 |
Plant |
Level 1 Earth
1051 |
Thief Bug |
6.25% |
Yes |
21 |
Insect |
Level 3 Neutral
1048 |
Thief Bug Egg |
6.25% |
Yes |
20 |
Insect |
Level 1 Dark
1236 |
Ant Egg |
5.5% |
Yes |
4 |
Formless |
Level 3 Neutral
1097 |
Ant Egg |
5% |
Yes |
28 |
Formless |
Level 3 Neutral