Monster ID | 20844 | Sprite | PRAY_GIVER | |||||||||||||
kRO Name | Pray Giver | Custom | No | |||||||||||||
iRO Name | Pray Giver | HP | 3,845,709 | |||||||||||||
Size | Medium | SP | 0 | |||||||||||||
Race | Angel | Level | 203 | |||||||||||||
Element | Ghost (Lv 3) | Speed | 110 | |||||||||||||
Experience | 1,281,905 | Attack | 5,659~3,000 | |||||||||||||
Job Experience | 897,330 | Defense | 308 | |||||||||||||
MVP Experience | 0 | Magic Defense | 118 | |||||||||||||
Attack Delay | 1,300 ms | Attack Range | 2 | |||||||||||||
Attack Motion | 1,300 ms | Spell Range | 10 | |||||||||||||
Delay Motion | 1,000 ms | Vision Range | 12 | |||||||||||||
Monster Mode |
Monster Stats |
Item ID | Item Name | Drop Chance | Can be stealed | |
7441 | Blue Feather | 5% | Yes | |
7442 | Cursed Seal | 2.5% | Yes | |
7938 | Light Granule | 12.5% | Yes | |
7063 | Soft Feather | 15% | Yes | |
12040 | Stone of Sage | 0.25% | Yes | |
25729 | Shadowdecon | 0.3% | Yes | |
25731 | Zelunium | 0.3% | Yes | |
300272 | Pray Giver Card | 0.05% | No |
Name | Level | State | Rate | Cast Time | Delay | Cancelable | Target | Condition | Value |
PRAY_GIVER@AL_TELEPORT | 1 | Idle | 100% | 0s | 0s | Yes | Self | rudeattacked | None |
PRAY_GIVER@NPC_DARKNESSATTACK | 4 | Attack | 10% | 0s | 5s | Yes | Target | always | 0 |
PRAY_GIVER@NPC_GRANDDARKNESS | 1 | Attack | 10% | 0.5s | 5s | No | Self | myhpltmaxrate | 50 |
PRAY_GIVER@NPC_DARKCROSS | 3 | Attack | 5% | 0.5s | 5s | No | Target | always | 0 |
PRAY_GIVER@NPC_CURSEATTACK | 3 | Attack | 5% | 0s | 5s | No | Target | always | 0 |
PRAY_GIVER@NPC_DARKBREATH | 1 | Attack | 5% | 0.8s | 5s | No | Target | always | 0 |
PRAY_GIVER@NPC_DARKNESSBREATH | 5 | Attack | 5% | 0.5s | 5s | No | Target | always | 0 |
PRAY_GIVER@NPC_HOLYATTACK | 4 | Chase | 10% | 0s | 5s | Yes | Target | always | 0 |