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 h inglés (en)== Wigner Sidequest: The Maid and the Jewelry Box ==
{{Quest Info
| levelreq = 100
| joblevelreq =
| classreq =
| skillreq =
| partyreq =
| itemreq = {{Item List |id=523 |item=Holy Water |num=1 |simple=yes}}{{Item List |id=7001 |item=Mould Powder |num=1 |simple=yes}}
{{Item List |id=582 |item=Orange |num=1 |simple=yes}}{{Item List |id=970 |item=Alcohol |num=1 |simple=yes}}
{{Item List |id=568 |item=Lemon |num=1 |simple=yes}}{{Item List |id=7043 |item=Fine Sand |num=1 |simple=yes}}
{{Item List |id=6254 |item=Beef Head |num=3 |simple=yes}}{{Item List |id=748 |item=Witherless Rose |num=1 |simple=yes}}{{Item List |id=6927 |item=Sea Stone |num=10 |simple=yes}}
| nitemreq =
| zenyreq =
| hunting = {{monster|id=1148 Medusa}} (for Sea Stone)
| questsreq =
| questscoreq =
| baseexpreward = {{tooltip|1,000,000|1,500,000 for VIP}} Base EXP
| jobexpreward = {{tooltip|500,000|750,000 for VIP}} Job EXP
| itemreward = {{Item List|id=6919|item=Honor Token|num=10|simple=y}}
| qreward = '''Daily Quest''': [[ Royal Banquet Daily Quests#Today I Feel | Today I Feel]]
| external =
| window = yes
#Talk to '''Levuiere Wigner''' to have a tea and learn about their relationship with their children.
#Talk to '''Katrin Wigner''' {{Navi|prt_cas_q|97|7}} and she says she lost something like a jewelry box. They believe it might have been taken by the maid. 
#Travel out of the room, west to the red carpet, north through the portal, and then north-west of the banquet hall, west of the stairs to reach the kitchen.
#Talk to '''Maid''' {{Navi|prt_cas|322|216}} is in the back of the room.
#*She starts to become very defensive.
#*If you help her clean the kitchen, she may remember if someone else was in the room.
#*She gives you {{Item List3|id=6928|item=Poring Loofah|num=3|simple=y}}.
#*Clean the mold on walls, then the grease, and finally the floor.
#Walk up to the top-right corner of the room and the sponge will come alive! Or click the '''Dark and Damp Wall''' {{Navi|prt_cas|336|212}} which is to the right on the basket of bread.
#*It says you also need {{Item List3|id=523|item=Holy Water|num=1|simple=y}} & {{Item List3|id=7001|item=Mould Powder|num=1|simple=y}}
#After cleaning the mold, walk down to the cooking pots {{Navi|prt_cas|336|197}} and the second sponge will come alive.
#*Bring {{Item List3|id=582|item=Orange|num=1|simple=y}} & {{Item List3|id=970|item=Alcohol|num=1|simple=y}} to the '''Sticky Wall''' on the top cooking pot.
#*It may take a few times to scrub it off, but it won't require additional ingredients.
#Walk in front of the big fireplace {{Navi|prt_cas|309|214}} to the left of the Maid.
#*The last sponge requires {{Item List3|id=568|item=Lemon|num=1|simple=y}} & {{Item List3|id=7043|item=Fine Sand|num=1|simple=y}}.
#*Click on '''Pitch-black Floor''' on the left corner of the fireplace, underneath the barrel.
#*You will likely offend the sponge in your cleaning technique, but keep trying until it's clean.
#Return to the '''Maid''' {{Navi|prt_cas|322|216}} and she'll alludes to the furniture delivery person being the one who took the jewelry box.
#Find '''Furniture Deliveryman''' {{Navi|prontera|68|68}} in the southwest corner of Prontera.
#*He becomes worried then defensive that you're suspecting him.
#*After a long hard day moving furniture, he's become hungry and wants {{Item List3|id=6254|item=Beef Head|num=3|simple=y}}.
#*After you bring him the items, he will mention that the Guard Gate checked him when he left the castle.
#Return to '''Jurgen Wigner''' {{Navi|prt_cas_q|95|9}} in the castle and tell him the way people have perceived Katrin.
#*She flips out at Jurgen for, essentially, his looks.
#*We find out Isaac actually took the box.
#*Katrin storms off and Isaac and Jurgen decide that she would like {{Item List3|id=748|item=Witherless Rose|num=1|simple=y}} & {{Item List3|id=6927|item=Sea Stone|num=10|simple=y}}.
#:*Sea Stones from {{monster|id=1148 Medusa}} will automatically appear in your inventory by chance when you defeat one.
#After collecting the items bringing them back to '''Jurgand Wigner ''' and '''Isaac Wigner'''; they give it to their sister.
#*You'll be rewarded with {{Item List3|id=6919|item=Honor Token|num=10|simple=y}} and knowing you brought three siblings closer together.
#*Access to [[ Royal Banquet Daily Quests#Today I feel | Today I feel]] repeatable quest
 h español (es)== Quest Secundaria de Wigner: La Criada y la Caja de Joyas ==
{{Quest Info
| levelreq = 100
| joblevelreq =
| classreq =
| skillreq =
| partyreq =
| itemreq = {{Item List |id=523 |item=Holy Water |num=1 |simple=yes}}{{Item List |id=7001 |item=Mould Powder |num=1 |simple=yes}}
{{Item List |id=582 |item=Orange |num=1 |simple=yes}}{{Item List |id=970 |item=Alcohol |num=1 |simple=yes}}
{{Item List |id=568 |item=Lemon |num=1 |simple=yes}}{{Item List |id=7043 |item=Fine Sand |num=1 |simple=yes}}
{{Item List |id=6254 |item=Beef Head |num=3 |simple=yes}}{{Item List |id=748 |item=Witherless Rose |num=1 |simple=yes}}{{Item List |id=6927 |item=Sea Stone |num=10 |simple=yes}}
| nitemreq =
| zenyreq =
| hunting = {{monster|id=1148 Medusa}} (for Sea Stone)
| questsreq =
| questscoreq =
| baseexpreward = {{tooltip|1,000,000}} EXP Base
| jobexpreward = {{tooltip|500,000}} EXP Job
| itemreward = {{Item List|id=6919|item=Honor Token|num=10|simple=y}}
| qreward = '''Quest Diaria''': [[ Royal Banquet Daily Quests#Today I Feel | Today I Feel]]
| external =
| window = yes
#Habla con '''Levuiere Wigner''' para tomar té y aprender sobre su relación con sus hijos.
#Habla con '''Katrin Wigner''' {{Navi|prt_cas_q|97|7}} y dice que perdió algo como una caja de joyas. Creen que la criada podría haberla tomado. 
#Sal de la habitación, hacia el oeste, hacia la alfombra roja, al norte a través del portal y luego al noroeste del salón del banquete, al oeste de las escaleras para llegar a la cocina.
#Habla con la '''Maid''' {{Navi|prt_cas|322|216}} que está al fondo de la habitación.
#*Ella empieza a ponerse a la defensiva.
#*Si la ayudas a limpiar la cocina, es posible que recuerde si alguien más estuvo en la habitación.
#*Ella te da {{Item List3|id=6928|item=Poring Loofah|num=3|simple=y}}.
#*Limpia el moho en las paredes, luego la grasa y finalmente el suelo.
#amina hacia la esquina superior derecha de la habitación y la esponja cobrará vida. O haz clic en la Pared Oscura y Húmeda '''Dark and Damp Wall''' {{Navi|prt_cas|336|212}} que está a la derecha en la cesta de pan.
#*Dice que también necesitas {{Item List3|id=523|item=Holy Water|num=1|simple=y}} y {{Item List3|id=7001|item=Mould Powder|num=1|simple=y}}
#Después de limpiar el moho, baja a las ollas de cocina {{Navi|prt_cas|336|197}} y la segunda esponja cobrará vida.
#*Lleva {{Item List3|id=582|item=Orange|num=1|simple=y}} y {{Item List3|id=970|item=Alcohol|num=1|simple=y}} a la '''Sticky Wall''' en la olla superior.
#*Puede tomar algunos intentos fregarlo, pero no requerirá ingredientes adicionales.
#Camina frente a la gran chimenea {{Navi|prt_cas|309|214}} a la izquierda de la Criada.
#*La última esponja requiere {{Item List3|id=568|item=Lemon|num=1|simple=y}} y {{Item List3|id=7043|item=Fine Sand|num=1|simple=y}}.
#*Haz clic en el '''Pitch-black Floor''' en la esquina izquierda de la chimenea, debajo del barril.
#*Es posible que ofendas a la esponja con tu técnica de limpieza, pero sigue intentándolo hasta que esté limpio.
#Regresa con '''Maid''' {{Navi|prt_cas|322|216}} y ella insinuará que el repartidor de muebles fue quien tomó la caja de joyas.
#Encuentra al '''Furniture Deliveryman''' {{Navi|prontera|68|68}} en la esquina suroeste de Prontera.
#*Se preocupa y se pone a la defensiva porque lo estás sospechando.
#*Después de un largo día moviendo muebles, tiene hambre y quiere {{Item List3|id=6254|item=Beef Head|num=3|simple=y}}.
#*Después de llevarle los objetos, mencionará que la Guardia lo revisó al salir del castillo.
#Regresa con '''Jurgen Wigner''' {{Navi|prt_cas_q|95|9}} en el castillo y cuéntale cómo la gente ha percibido a Katrin.
#*Ella se enfurece con Jurgen, esencialmente, por su apariencia.
#*Descubrimos que en realidad fue Isaac quien tomó la caja.
#*Katrin se marcha enfadada y Isaac y Jurgen deciden que le gustaría {{Item List3|id=748|item=Witherless Rose|num=1|simple=y}} y {{Item List3|id=6927|item=Sea Stone|num=10|simple=y}}.
#:*Las Piedras Marinas de {{monster|id=1148 Medusa}} aparecerán automáticamente en tu inventario al derrotar a una por casualidad.
#Después de recolectar los objetos y llevarlos de vuelta a '''Jurgand Wigner ''' e '''Isaac Wigner'''; se lo entregan a su hermana.
#*Serás recompensado con {{Item List3|id=6919|item=Honor Token|num=10|simple=y}} y sabrás que has acercado a tres hermanos.
#*Acceso a la quest repetible [[ Royal Banquet Daily Quests#Today I Feel | Today I Feel]]