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 h español (es)====To the 2nd Orange Wall====
#Continue walking east and walk near '''Julian'''. He will need some time to set up the next explosion.
#Walk up north until you will find a '''Suspicious instrument''' (1@swat 147, 119). Push the button because you don't follow the rules, the rules follow you!
#:[[File:Heart Hunter War Base 1-Red Switch.png|150px]]
#More {{monster |id=3627 Heart Hunter Guards}} will spawn, {{monster |id=362 Upgraded Heart Hunter Guards}} as well. Defeat all of them to proceed. The regular Heart Hunter guards count for half a kill, and the Upgraded Heart Hunter's count for a full kill. You need 15 kill points to continue.
#Walk back south to '''Julian''' after you have cleared the hunters who hate button pushers, and then continue East.
====To the 3rd Orange Wall and More====
#Walk near '''Julian''' who says he ran out of gunpowder and needs you to find more. Walk back to the previous defense wall you blew up and you will find a '''Pile of gunpowder''' (1@swat 165, 56) being guarded by Heart Hunter guards.
#*Talk to '''Julian''' at a distance if you already have Antique Gunpowder.
#'''Give '''Julian''' the gun powder''' and proceed east. Walk near Julian and an announcement says they have taken over the Heart Hunter communication room.
#Wait until {{monster |id=368 Heart Hunter Ebel}} spawns, defeat her (or hide). Then wait for them to talk.
#*Julian injects a shot to paralyze her. Then eventually she gets arrested and taken away by two Rebel guards, awaiting to be inspected and researched on.
*Talk to '''Julian''' to receive 10 [[Schwartz's Honor Token]] and be warped outside to Einbroch Field 04.