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Esta página es una versión traducida de la página Auras. La traducción está completa al 100 %.
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  • PowRO features a special Aura system that can be enchanted on your Wings to give you a powerful and stylish look.

How to get them

  1. Auras are obtained by farming Aura Fragments in Old Pow. These fragments are collected and used to enchant a random Aura or one of your choice for a higher cost. Consult the Aura NPC near the entrance of the Safe House for more information.
  2. All MVPs in Old Pow have a 70% chance to drop 40024.png Aura Fragment, a 50% chance to drop a 2nd 40024.png Aura Fragment, and a 25% chance to drop a 3rd 40024.png Aura Fragment.
  3. The drop chance of Aura Fragments depends on the map you are farming, and detailed information can be found below.

Aura Enchanting

  • To enchant your Wings with a custom Aura, the costs vary depending on the mode you prefer, according to the following table;
  • To disenchant your Wings, the cost is 10K Training Points. Disenchanting your Wings removes the Aura, returns 5 40024.png Aura Fragments, and allows you to enchant them again through the normal system.
Mode Cost
Randomly 10x 40024.png Aura Fragment
15K Training Pts
Desired Normal Aura 100x 40024.png Aura Fragment
15K Training Pts
Desired Special Aura 125x 40024.png Aura Fragment
15K Training Pts

Drop Rate Table

Map Drop Rate Map Drop Rate Map Drop Rate
moc_vilg02 0.75% moc_dugn01 1.00% moc_dugn02 1.25%
prt_dugn00 0.90% prt_dugn01 0.75% prt_dugn02 0.75%
prt_dugn03 1.25% dungeon000 1.00% dungeon001 1.00%
pro_fild00 0.75% pro_fild01 0.75% pro_fild04 0.50%
pro_fild05 0.50% mrc_fild01 0.50% mrc_fild03 1.00%
mrc_fild04 0.75% ars_fild36 0.75% ars_fild25 1.00%
ars_fild50 1.00%