Elite Guide

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Elite Requirements

Tipo Items
VIT 1x 568.png Lemon 1x 910.png Garlet 30x 962.png Tentacle 1x 1003.png Coal 1x 1092.png Empty Test Tube
LUK 5x 1014.png Ant Jaw 5x 1021.png Dokebi Horn 5x 1023.png Fish Tail 20x 1025.png Cobweb 1x 1092.png Empty Test Tube
AGI/FLEE 5x 7041.png Fine Grit 5x 7004.png Mud Lump 5x 1031.png Mantis Scythe 1x 1015.png Tongue 1x 1092.png Empty Test Tube
STR/HIT 1x 609.png Amulet 1x 702.png Animal Gore 35x 907.png Resin 20x 924.png Powder of butterfly 1x 1092.png Empty Test Tube
INT/MATK 10x 7001.png Mould powder 10x 516.png Potato 10x 538.png Well-Baked cookie 10x 705.png Clover 1x 1092.png Empty Test Tube
Items for each potion x required quantity (Approximate since there's a chance of failure)
Potion Items
VIT 2.000x 507.png Red Herb 2.000 508.png Yellow Herb 2.000 509.png White Herb 200 1093.png Empty potion bottle
LUK 200x 704.png Aloe 2.000 510.png Blue Herb 400x 518.png Honey 200 1093.png Empty potion bottle
AGI 100x 656.png Awakening potion 700x 904.png Scorpion tail 1.000x 914.png Fluff 100 1093.png Empty potion bottle
FLEE 1.000x 1044.png Zenorc's fang 100x 1054.png Ancient lips 500x 7013.png Coral reef 100 1093.png Empty potion bottle
STR 1.200x 711.png Shoot 800x 955.png Worm peeling 1.000x 1042.png Bug leg 100 1093.png Empty potion bottle
HIT 200x 1053.png Ancient tooth 600x 913.png Tooth of bat 1.000x 7154.png Poisonous Powder 100 1093.png Empty potion bottle
INT 100x 708.png Ment 500x 715.png Yellow gemstone 1.000x 939.png Bee sting 100 1093.png Empty potion bottle
MATK 800x 952.png Cactus needle 800x 966.png Clam flesh 100x 972.png Karvodailnirol 100 1093.png Empty potion bottle

What is Elite for?

Elite is a unique hierarchy in PowRO - Archangels, the most important benefits include the ability to do Elite Trainings, consume powerful Elite Potions that significantly increase your stats, and receive many discounts from custom NPCs, such as stat resets and transports to Guild Dungeons.

Signing up for Elite

To sign up for Elite, you need to go to the NPC Elite Registrations, which is located near the center of Prontera at the following location: /navi prontera 139/174



Once registered, you must find the NPCs who will teach you how to create potions, which is a requirement to complete this Elite hierarchy. There are a total of 8 NPCs who will initially ask for a vaccine to learn the recipe, and then the items to create Elite Potions.

Vit Elite

1. You can find him in the hotel in Prontera at the following location. /navi prt_in 61/169

  • He will ask for the following items in order to vaccinate you:
item Quantity drop
568.png Lemon x1 Minorous
910.png Garlet x1 Geffen's Tool Dealer
962.png Tentacle x30 Marse
1003.png Coal x1 Pitman
1092.png Empty Test Tube x1 Geffen's Tool Dealer
Ítems for each Elite Potion
item Quantity
507.png Red Herb x10
508.png Yellow Herb x10
509.png White Herb x10
1093.png Empty potion bottle x1
How to create potions: @elite vitp

2. Once you deliver 100 Elite Vit Potions, you will level up your Elite hierarchy by 1 level.

Luk Elite

1. You can find it to the right of Prontera in the field, at the following location: /navi prt_fild06 256/88

  • He will ask for the following items to vaccinate you:
item Quantity
1014.png Ant Jaw x5
1021.png Dokebi Horn x5
1023.png Fish Tail x5
1025.png Cobweb x20
1092.png Empty Test Tube x1
Ítems for each Elite Potion
item Quantity
704.png Aloe x1
510.png Blue Herb x10
518.png Honey x2
1093.png Empty potion bottle x1
How to create them: @elite lukp

2. Once you deliver 100 Elite Luk Potions, your Elite hierarchy level will increase by 1.

Agi / Flee Elite

1. You can find the Agi NPC on the first floor of Culvert. /navi prt_sewb1 295/305

2. The Flee NPC is located in the church of Prontera. /navi prt_church 111/107

Vaccine (Agi) / Vacuna (Flee)
item Quantity item(flee) Quantity
7041.png Fine Grit x5 1014.png Ant Jaw x5
7004.png Mud Lump x5 1021.png Dokebi Horn x5
1031.png Mantis Scythe x5 1023.png Fish Tail x5
1015.png Tongue x1 1025.png Cobweb x20
1092.png Empty Test Tube x1 1092.png Empty Test Tube x1

Note: Making 1 vaccine is enough to start creating Agi and Flee Elite potions.

Items (Agi Potion) / Items (Flee Potion)
item(Agi) Quantity item(Flee) Quantity
656.png Awakening potion x1 1044.png Zenorc's fang x10
904.png Scorpion tail x7 1054.png Ancient lips x1
914.png Fluff x10 7013.png Coral reef x5
1093.png Empty potion bottle x1 1093.png Empty potion bottle x1
How to create them: @elite agip How to create them: @elite fleep

3. Once you deliver 50 Elite Agi Potions and 50 Elite Flee Potions to their corresponding NPC, you will increase your Elite hierarchy' level by 1.

STR / HIT Elite

1. The NPC for STR can be found one map below Prontera. /navi prt_fild08 378/120


2. The NPC for HIT can be found in Prontera, near the warp at the bottom right. /navi prontera 248/43


Vaccine (STR) / Vaccine (HIT)
item Quantity
609.png Amulet x1
702.png Animal Gore x1
907.png Resin x35
924.png Powder of butterfly x20
1092.png Empty Test Tube x1

Note: Making 1 vaccine is enough to start creating Elite STR and HIT potions.

Items (Str Potion) / Items (Hit Potion)
item Quantity item Quantity
711.png Shoot x12 1053.png Ancient tooth x2
955.png Worm peeling x8 913.png Tooth of bat x6
1042.png Bug leg x10 7154.png Poisonous Powder x10
1093.png Empty potion bottle x1 1093.png Empty potion bottle x1
How to create them: @elite strp How to create them: @elite hitp

3. Once you deliver 50 Elite STR Potions and 50 Elite HIT Potions to their corresponding NPC, you will level up your Elite hierarchy by 1 level.

INT / MATK Elite

1. The NPC for INT can be found in the library of Prontera. /navi prt_in 165/101


2. The NPC for MATK can be found one map left and one map down from Prontera. /navi prt_fild07 220/117


Vaccine (INT) / Vaccine (MATK)
item Quantity
7001.png Mould powder x10
516.png Potato x10
538.png Well-Baked cookie x10
705.png Clover x10
1092.png Empty Test Tube x1

PD: Making 1 vaccine is enough to start creating Elite potions for INT and MATK.

Items (INT Potion) / Items (MATK Potion)
item Quantity item Quantity
708.png Ment x1 952.png Cactus needle x8
715.png Yellow gemstone x5 966.png Clam flesh x8
939.png Bee sting x10 972.png Karvodailnirol x1
1093.png Empty potion bottle x1 1093.png Empty potion bottle x1
How to create them: @elite intp How to create them: @elite matkp

3. Once you deliver 50 Elite INT Potions and 50 Elite MATK Potions to their corresponding NPC, you will increase your Elite hierarchy level by 1.

Ascending to Elite level 5

Once you have delivered all the corresponding potions to the 8 NPCs, you talk to the first NPC Elite Inscriptions again and you will be recognized as Elite Max Level (lvl.5).
