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Life Wings

NPC's Location: (Mother Nature): She moves around in Payon

Requirements: Base Lv. 100 & 150k Training Points

Life Wings
Level Bonuses
Life 1.png
+20% Damage received from the Fire element
+15% Ice power
+6% Damage against the Wind element
+6% Magic damage with Earth element skills
+6% Resistance against the Earth element
Life 2.png
+15% Damage received from the Fire element
+12% Damage against the Wind element
+12% Magic damage with Earth element skills
+12% Resistance against the Earth element
+25% Ice power
Life Wings.gif
+10% Damage received from the Fire element
+20% Damage against the Wind element
+20% Magic damage with Earth element skills
+15% Resistance against the Earth element
+35% Ice power
+2% Chance to autocast Level 1 Agi Up when hit
Grants the "Plant Cultivation" ability