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5: Go to Central Meeting Room

  1. Head to Central Meeting Room (1@rgsr 125, 157) at the main inner hallway. Re-unite with Est and Goni.
  2. Speak to Aas who appeared and wait until they finish talking. Then talk to Aas again to enter the room.
  3. Walk north to find Restrained Test Subject.
  4. Investigate the Controllers around the central room in the following order. Press the Color of the Button that matches the color of the light aura.
    1. Top Right Panel = Blue Aura = Blue Button
    2. Bottom Left Panel = Red Aura = Red Button
    3. Bottom Right Panel = White Aura = White button
    4. Controller beside Top Left door = Yellow Aura = Yellow Button
  5. Fight Test Subject, Sorrow Crob. She is a MVP with 3.5m hp and casts Firebolt.
  6. Aas finally makes her way inside just as the fight ends. She's relieved to find the player okay and offers to let the player go ahead while she cleans up. She will offer 3 options:
    • Einbroch (this is the suggested choice)
    • Lighthalzen (warps outside instance directly in front of Guard Oscar)
    • Look around some more
  7. Return to Einbroch's Cat on a Bullet and find Tes /navi pub_cat 93/105 who has been worried for some time because Est came back alone.
  8. Report to the details of what happened at Regenschirm and receive 500,000 Base Exp and 400,000 job Exp twice, and 25x 25669.pngMysterious Component.