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Capturing Eliumina

  1. Rebellion /navi sp_cor 109/130 will intervene after you talk to Aas, so talk to that Rebellion on the new quest mark in minimap, a bit southwest from your position.
    The Rebel member that hands out illusion gear modification modules
  2. Elena will appear, talk to her and proceed northeast to the new quest mark in minimap.
  3. Talk to Elena /navi sp_cor 179/169 three times, first to trigger the quest, second to create instance, and third to enter it
    • This is a solo instance that allows only one person in at a time when not in a solo party.
    • When with other players, the first one to enter must be set as the leader and must be able to beat EL1-A17T on their own.
    • After the first member returns, the next member to enter should be set as the leader, with the path already cleared just find and talk to Elena.
    • Repeat this process until all members are done.
    • Avoid closing the instance until all members are done.
  4. Talk to Elena inside the instance. 4 quest mark will appear, go to the 2 marks at right side. Talk to each of the boxes and kill all monsters that appear. Then talk to box again so it disappears.
    A wooden box that summons monsters
  5. A new quest mark will appear. Go there and talk to Elena, she will open a portal to next area
  6. You have to fight a weakened version of a boss, EL1-A17T. Defeat it, then the Rebellion will appear with Eliumina caught.
  7. Talk to Elena to go out, and then talk to Elena again outside.
    • Receive experience: about 200,000 Base EXP; 300,000 and 300,000 and 250,000 Job EXP.
    • Also receive 1 Damaged Weapon and 5 Cor Cores.
  8. A new quest mark will appear in minimap, go there and talk to Goni /navi sp_cor 137/210.
  9. Talk to Rookie to trigger a long scene, and then the team agreed to enter the Varmundt Mansion through the waterway.
  10. Go to the new quest mark in far northeast of the minimap and talk to Rookie /navi sp_cor 255/284.

This is the end of Illusion Episode Questline. The next quest chain is Episode 17.2: Legacy of the Wise One.