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This follows right after the Werner Lab raid as the Rebellion continue their investigation.

  1. In your personal room in the Prontera castle, speak to Nihil /navi prt_cas_q 21/39.
  2. Proceed to Einbech and go to the front of the Clana Nemieri Rebel base.
  3. Talk to Rebellion Member /navi einbech 218/80 who's standing outside the entrance. He tells you of the Rebellion's new base expansion and gives you coordinates to the new building in Einbroch.
  4. Head to Einbroch secret pub in the northeast corner, Cat on Bullet /navi einbroch 302/328 .
  5. Enter the Cat on Bullet and look for Philopontes /navi pub_cat 93/105 (Tes) in the north-eastern-most room. He tells you about the information they gathered from the Werner Lab raid. The players new task will be investigating a nearby abandoned mine.
    Archivo:150px-Cat on Bullet Philopontes Location
  6. Walk one north and one east of Einbroch to find a Rebellion Member /navi ein_fild05 156/288 on lookout there at the entrance to Rudus. (do not wing, just walk along the rail).
  7. Enter Rudus by talking to the Rebellion Member.
    Rebel guarding entrance to Rudus
    • Rudus Dungeon will now be freely accessible by talking to this NPC.