Translations:Illusion Abyss/1/es

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Linkname=Illusion of Abyss

Main Quest

Illusion Abyss/1/es
Base Level: 150
Item(s) (Consumed): 10x  7564.png Rotten Meat
Hunting: 10 Ominous Permeter
10 Ominous Solider
10 Ominous Freezer
10 Ominous Heater
Base Experience: 3,600,000
Job Experience: 2,400,000
Item(s): 5x  25271.png Illusion Stone
Quest Reward(s): Daily Quests
  1. Find Knight Aylvar /navi alberta 211/28 on the southeastern side of the docks in Alberta and agree to help him. He is looking for his friend Leiphen, who had disappeared half a day ago.
    Knight Aylvar needs help looking for his friend
  2. Choose the option to look intently at the piece to get warped away to the illusion dungeon (illusion maps unlocked).
  3. Talk to the Girl in front of you and ask if she has seen Leiphen. She doesn't know for sure but she can guess two different locations.
    Choose But I have some questions to receive the coordinates.
    • An susceptible soldier at the northeast side of the dungeon. You notice that his nails have been obsessively nibbled off. The guy doesn't seem ok.
    • An impatient man near the northwest junction on that floor. He's looking for his daughter.
  4. Continue your search through the southeast portal to the next floor.
  5. Talk to a Fragile Woman at the center of the turtle palace. She seems to be very hungry, saying she has been starving for days.
    Illusion of Abyss Turtle Island-NPC-Fragile Woman.jpg
  6. She gives a clue? Following it finally leads you to Archeologist Leiphen /navi tur_d04_i 26/167 on the northwest corner of the palace.
    Illusion of Abyss Turtle Island-NPC-Illusion of Abyss Turtle Island-NPC-Archeologist Leiphen.jpg
  7. Talk to Archeologist Leiphen. He's relieved to have also finally met a fellow human. You offer to escort him safely out the dungeon but unfortunately, he's also too hungry to move.
  8. Gather 10 pieces of Rotten Meat and hunt 10 each of:
    • Ominous Permeter
    • Ominous Solider
    • Ominous Freezer
    • Ominous Heater
  9. Bring them back to Professor Leiphen. Unfortunately, he can't eat them because all the meat ends up rotten. He wonders if there are others around who can help, so you tell him about the other "people" you encountered, and he asks you to take him to them.
  10. Make your way back to the starving Fragile Woman and introduce Leiphen to her. At first, Leiphen can't seem to see her, but things get out of hand when the other "people" suddenly appear and start targeting Leiphen. You are both rescued by the Girl you met before and she asks you to meet her back where you first met her.
  11. Head back to the previous floor and talk to the Girl.
  12. Leiphen asks the Girl to tell him about the dungeon, which she reluctantly agrees to do. Talk to her again. She introduces herself as "Narin", an Old Ghost. The other residents in the dungeon are spirits bound there by resentment or by different strong obsessions. Narin's obsession is to save everyone.
  13. After you wrap up your talk with Narin, you and Leiphen agree to leave for now, with a promise to keep coming back for Narin so she won't have to be alone.
    • As a parting gift, Narin will give you 5x  25271.png Illusion Stone, 3,600,000 Base EXP, and 2,400,000 Job EXP.
    • Leave the dungeon through the red light beside her and you'll find yourself back in Alberta back in front of Knight Aylvar once again.
  14. Talk to Aylvar to discuss what happened.
    • Daily quest is now available (cooldown already active)
      • Cooldown Quest Name: A short break, and a promise