Translations:Terra Gloria/15/es

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Rachel Repair Work

  1. Rachel Smith /navi rebel_in 88/51 has had it with people lying they "lost" their weapons when they only merely broke. The weapons have a high defect rate. She requests you to bring 25151.pngRachel's Revolver to the Blacksmith Guild for them to inspect it.
  2. Travel to Einbroch's Blacksmith Guild /navi einbroch 255/109 and speak to Blacksmith Jack /navi ein_in01 38/20 who scrutinizes her work. He concludes that it's the impurity of materials that she is using that is causing the issue.
  3. Return to Rachel Smith inside the Rebellion base where she says she suspected it might be the materials causing the issue. Grant her favor and say you will come back daily with better materials.
    Receive 7x 25155.pngSchwartz's Honor Token.