Translations:Terra Gloria/5/es

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To the 2nd Orange Wall

  1. Continue walking east and walk near Julian. He will need some time to set up the next explosion.
  2. Walk up north until you will find a Suspicious instrument (1@swat 147, 119). Push the button because you don't follow the rules, the rules follow you!
    Heart Hunter War Base 1-Red Switch.png
  3. More Heart Hunter Guards will spawn, Upgraded Heart Hunter Guards as well. Defeat all of them to proceed. The regular Heart Hunter guards count for half a kill, and the Upgraded Heart Hunter's count for a full kill. You need 15 kill points to continue.
  4. Walk back south to Julian after you have cleared the hunters who hate button pushers, and then continue East.

To the 3rd Orange Wall and More

  1. Walk near Julian who says he ran out of gunpowder and needs you to find more. Walk back to the previous defense wall you blew up and you will find a Pile of gunpowder (1@swat 165, 56) being guarded by Heart Hunter guards.
    • Talk to Julian at a distance if you already have Antique Gunpowder.
  2. Give Julian the gun powder and proceed east. Walk near Julian and an announcement says they have taken over the Heart Hunter communication room.
  3. Wait until Heart Hunter Ebel spawns, defeat her (or hide). Then wait for them to talk.
    • Julian injects a shot to paralyze her. Then eventually she gets arrested and taken away by two Rebel guards, awaiting to be inspected and researched on.