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Línea 1: Línea 1:
:*During the month of February, the NPC Primo d' Buffer (at the entrance of Eden Group) will give you 10 Event Points and +10 food buffs for 30 minutes in exchange for some items.
:*During the month of February, the NPC Primo d' Buffer (at the entrance of Eden Group) will give you 10 Event Points and +10 food buffs for 30 minutes in exchange for some items.
Línea 16: Línea 16:
:*Added Bounty Boards in many cities and Illusion Dungeons, more info on the [[Roadmap]].
:*Added Bounty Boards in many cities and Illusion Dungeons, more info on the [[Roadmap]].
:*We removed the acquisition of the Sealed Drake Card because the appropriate script does not exist in rAthena, and the current script is incorrect and extremely horrendous.
:*We removed the acquisition of the Sealed Drake Card because the appropriate script does not exist in rAthena, and the current script is incorrect and extremely horrendous.
:*We increased the chance of obtaining Bio Experimental Fragments and Documents by 400% in EDDA: Bio Labs Farming Mode! This increase is separate from the use of Bubble Gums and your personal rates, meaning Bubble Gum still increases your %. 😄
==Glast Heim Challenge Mode==
:*I will implement this instance starting on April 5th, as coordinated in the [[Roadmap]]. This instance is the first of several that are part of the content of more advanced episodes. These instances are special in Pow because they won't have custom modes (Hardcore or Insane) since the mechanics of the instance don't warrant including these modes (they have a natural difficulty scale).
==Elite Trainings Introduction Rework==
::*The way the Elite Training system is introduced will change slightly so that when you complete your Ranks, you will be granted a few assignable points to familiarize yourself with the system. This system benefits newcomers more as they haven't learned any Training yet. The initial points are obtained as follows:
:::*1 Point for completing Outsider.
:::*2 Points for completing Citizen.
:::*3 Points for completing Warrior.
:::*4 Points for completing Elite.
::*This means completing your hierarchies will grant a total of 10 Elite Training points.
::*What happens if I already have more than 10 Elite Trainings learned?
:::*This introductory bonus will not apply to your character if you already have more than 10 Elite Trainings..
::*If I create a new character, would I have the additional 10 points?
:::*Yes, the system will automatically apply to each character that has fewer than 10 assignable Training Points Elite.
::*If you already have 10 points learned, it will not give you additional points.
:::*No, the system will only raise you to the first 10 assignable points. That means if you have 9 learned, it sets you to 10; if you have 5, it sets you to 10, etc.
==Important Changes==
:*We have permanently doubled the Experience rates from their initial values.
::::*Because I'm preparing the server for future episode expansions. Additionally, we concluded that it's a positive/healthy change after studying the updates from iRO and kRO, where they increased the exp rates when new episodes were introduced and removed 4th jobs. I concluded that lowering the leveling difficulty is a good change and that almost nobody derives satisfaction solely from leveling. The most important thing is to reach stages where you can hunt for good items or reach levels required to equip some renewal items (think 125, 150, 175, etc).
:*I reduced the number of mobs to kill in city/dungeon quest boards from 150 to 50, and significantly increased the experience they give.
==EDDA: Old Pow==
:*I implemented this new parallel continent of Old Pow. I hope it revives some nostalgia for you. Here's how it works:
:::*To gain access to EDDA: Old Pow, you just need access to regular Old Pow; it doesn't require any additional quests. The entrance to EDDA: Old Pow is located at the central fountain in Old Prontera.
:::*Entering EDDA: Old Pow will transform your character into its pre-reborn or Expanded 1-1 version if you're Expanded 2. The maximum level is 99. To revert to your normal attributes, simply speak with the fountain located in Old Prontera. Relogging, logging out, re-casting, or any other type of exit from the maps of EDDA: Old Pow will return your character to its normal form.
:::*The monsters are the Pre-re versions that many of us know and are familiar with. The difference lies in the name, which includes 'Old' as a prefix. The drop rates of these mobs are also as they were in Pre-re. Additionally, all mobs in EDDA: Old Pow have a slight chance to drop a random Overseas Care Package (OCP), which contains very valuable items that we've brought to Pow from iRO and jRO. You can find more information on Divine-Pride or in our database.
:::*'''The MVPs in EDDA: Old Pow drop Level 5 Rewards and have a high chance of dropping fixed OCPs. You can checkout the list below.'''
:::*3 Level 5 Rewards can be traded for 1 random OCP box (OCP 31).
:::*Your skill and status preferences are saved automatically and are separate, meaning you can organize your shortcut bar without fear of losing the spaces when you return to your normal version.
:::[[File:eddaoldsample.png|link=[[Old_Pow/en|EDDA: Old Pow]]|700x200px]]
==Overseas Care Packages==
:*I implemented OCPs from 1 to 42. OCPs from 43 to 58 belong to episode 18+ and I plan to implement them when we advance to that episode.
:::*I recommend looking up the information on divine-pride to learn about the items you can obtain. There are many valuable items available.
==Poison Wings==
:*I implemented the Poison Wings. These can be obtained in the map EDDA: Old Prontera Dungeon 2 - 'eddap_dun02', where the Old Stratospider appears. They can be obtained by killing general mobs in the map or hunting the summoned Stratospider (90% drop!).
:*The wings can only be leveled up by hunting Poison element mobs and gain extra experience if the mob is level 120+.

Revisión actual - 10:29 4 may 2024

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Definición del mensaje (Changelogs)
:*Durante el mes de Febrero, el NPC Primo d' Buffer (en la entrada de Eden Group), te dara 10 Puntos de Evento y dopas de comidas +10 por 30 minutos a cambio de unos items.
:*Durate el mes de Febrero, la estatua de Prontera ofrecerá quests de cazería que te premiarán con Tickets Evento al completarlas. Se puede hacer 1 quest al día.
:*El Servidor contará con un bono de 50% de rates durante Febrero.-->
==2da Semana==
:*Los Super Novices ahora se pueden equipar todas las Espadas de 2 Manos.
:*Los Super Novices ahora se pueden equipar las Temporal Boots de Stats para hacer combo con las Temporal Manteaus.
:*Creamos el [[Roadmap]].
:*Introducimos el sistema de [[Auras]].
:*Estamos planeando la obtencion de Overseas Care Packages de una manera Custom.
:*Estamos planeando el uso de las Recompenzas Lv. 4 y 5.
:*Hicimos muchos ajustes y actualizamos la información de [[Old Pow]].
:*Agregué los Bounty Boards en muchas ciudades y Dungeons de Illusión, más info en el [[Roadmap]].
:*Removimos la obtencion de la Sealed Drake Card porque el script adecuado no existe en rAthena y el script actual es incorrecto y sumamente horrendo.
:*Incrementé el chance de obtención de Bio Experimental Fragments y Documents un 400% en EDDA:Bio Labs Farming Mode. Este aumento es separado del uso de Bubble Gums y tus rates personales, es decir, Bubble Gum sigue aumentandote el % :D
==Glast Heim Challenge Mode==
:*Implementaré esta instancia a partir del 5 de Abril, como lo coordinamos en el [[Roadmap]]. Esta instancia es la primera de varias que son parte del contenido de episodios más avanzados, estas instancias son especiales en Pow porque no tendrán modos custom (Hardcore o Insane), ya que la mecanica de la instancia no rinde incluir estos modos (tienen escala de dificultad natural).
==Rework de la Introducción a los Entrenamientos==
::*La forma en que se introduce el sistema de Entrenamientos Elite cambiará un poquito de manera que al hacer tus Jerarquías serás otorgado unos pocos puntos asignables para que te familiarizes con el sistema. Este sistema beneficia más a las personas nuevas ya que no han aprendido ningún Entrenamiento. Los puntos iniciales se obtienen de la siguiente manera:
:::*1 Punto por completar Forastero.
:::*2 Puntos por completar Ciudadano.
:::*3 Puntos por completar Guerrero.
:::*4 Puntos por completar Elite.
::*Esto quiere decir que hacer tus jerarquías otorgará 10 puntos de Entrenamientos Elite totales.
::*Qué sucede si ya tengo más de 10 Entrenamientos Elite aprendidos?
:::*Este bono de introducción no aplicará a tu PJ si ya tienes más de 10 Entrenamientos Elite.
::*Si me hago un PJ nuevo, tendría los 10 Puntos Adicionales?
:::*Si, el sistema se auto aplicará a cada PJ que tenga menos de 10 Puntos asignables de Entrenamientos Elite.
::*Si tengo 10 Puntos aprendidos, me dará 10 Puntos más?
:::*No, el sistema solo te subirá a los primeros 10 Puntos asignables, es decir, si tienes 9 aprendidos, te deja en 10, si tienes 5 te deja en 10, etc etc.
==Cambios Importantes==
:*Aumentamos los rates de Experiencia al doble del inicial PERMANENTEMENTE.
:::*Por qué?
::::*Porque estoy preparando el servidor para las expansiónes de episodios que llegarán en el futuro. Además, concluímos que es un cambio positivo/sano trás estudiar las actualizaciones de iRO y kRO, donde subieron los rates de exp cuando se aumentó de episodios y sacaron los 4th jobs. Concluí que bajarle la dificultad al lvleo es un cambio bueno y que casi nadie obtiene satisfacción únicamente del lvleo, lo más importante es llegar a las etapas donde se puede cazar buenas cosas o niveles requeridos para poder equiparse algunos items de renewal (piensen 125, 150, 175, etc).
:*Reduje la cantidad de mob a matar en las quests de carteles de ciudades/dungeons de 150 a 50, además, incrementé sumamente la experiencia que dan.
==EDDA: Old Pow==
:*Implementé este nuevo continente paralelo de Old Pow. Espero que les reviva un poco la nostalgia. Aquí está la información de como funciona:
:::*Para obtener acceso a EDDA: Old Pow, solo débes tener acceso al Old Pow normal, no requiere ningúna quest adicional. La entrada a EDDA: Old Pow se encuentra en la fuente central de Old Prontera.
:::*Entrar a EDDA: Old Pow convertirá tu PJ a su version pre-re renacida o Expanded 1-1 en caso que seas Expanded 2. El nivel máximo es 99. Para regresar a tus atributos normales, solo debes hablar con la fuente que se encuentra en la Old Prontera. Relogear, cerrar el juego, recaleo, o cualquier otro tipo de salida de los mapas de EDDA: Old Pow retornarán tu PJ a su forma normal.
:::*Los monstruos son las versiones Pre-re que muchos conocemos y somos familiares. La diferencia está en el nombre, el cual trae "Old" como prefijo. El drop de estos mobs tambiés es como era en pre-re. Además, todo el mob de EDDA: Old Pow tiene chance lijero de dropear una caja random de los Overseas Care Packages (OCPs), items muy pero muy jugosos que traímos a Pow desde iRO y jRO, pueden encontrar más información en divine-pride o en nuestra database.
:::*'''Los MVPs de EDDA: Old Pow dropean Recompenzas Lvl 5 y tienen chance alto de dropear OCPs fijos. [[Old_Pow#Mob_de_EDDA:_Old_Pow|Aquí puedes ver la lista]].'''
:::*3 Recompenzas Lvl 5 se pueden tradear por 1 caja OCP random (OCP 31).
:::*Tus preferencias de skills y status se guardan automaticamente y son separadas, es decir, que pueden organizar la barra de atajos sin miedo a perder los espacios cuando vuelvan a su versión normal.
:::[[File:eddaoldsample.png|link=[[Old_Pow|EDDA: Old Pow]]|700x200px]]
==Overseas Care Packages==
:*Implementé los OCPs del 1 al 42. Los OCPs de 43 a 58 son del episodio 18+ y espero implementarlos cuando avancemos de episodio.
:::*Les recomiendo buscar la información en divine-pride para que se informen sobre los items que pueden obtener, hay bastantes items super jugosos que se pueden obtener.
==Poison Wings==
:*Implementé las Alas Veneno. Estas se pueden obtener en el mapa EDDA: Old Prontera Dungeon 2 - "eddap_dun02", donde aparece la Old Stratospider. Se pueden obtener matando mob general en el mapa o cazando a la Stratospider sumoneada (90% drop!).
:*Las alas solo se lvlean cazando mob de elemento Veneno (Poison) y obtienen extra experiencia si el mob es nivel 120+.


2nd Week

  • Super Novices can now equip all 2-Handed Swords.
  • Super Novices can now equip status Temporal Boots to combo with Temporal Manteaus.
  • Created the Roadmap.
  • Introduced the Auras system.
  • We are planning a custom way to obtain Overseas Care Packages.
  • We are planning the use of Rewards Lv. 4 and 5.
  • Made many adjustments and updated information on Old Pow.
  • Added Bounty Boards in many cities and Illusion Dungeons, more info on the Roadmap.
  • We removed the acquisition of the Sealed Drake Card because the appropriate script does not exist in rAthena, and the current script is incorrect and extremely horrendous.
  • We increased the chance of obtaining Bio Experimental Fragments and Documents by 400% in EDDA: Bio Labs Farming Mode! This increase is separate from the use of Bubble Gums and your personal rates, meaning Bubble Gum still increases your %. 😄


Glast Heim Challenge Mode

  • I will implement this instance starting on April 5th, as coordinated in the Roadmap. This instance is the first of several that are part of the content of more advanced episodes. These instances are special in Pow because they won't have custom modes (Hardcore or Insane) since the mechanics of the instance don't warrant including these modes (they have a natural difficulty scale).

Elite Trainings Introduction Rework

  • The way the Elite Training system is introduced will change slightly so that when you complete your Ranks, you will be granted a few assignable points to familiarize yourself with the system. This system benefits newcomers more as they haven't learned any Training yet. The initial points are obtained as follows:
  • 1 Point for completing Outsider.
  • 2 Points for completing Citizen.
  • 3 Points for completing Warrior.
  • 4 Points for completing Elite.
  • This means completing your hierarchies will grant a total of 10 Elite Training points.
  • What happens if I already have more than 10 Elite Trainings learned?
  • This introductory bonus will not apply to your character if you already have more than 10 Elite Trainings..
  • If I create a new character, would I have the additional 10 points?
  • Yes, the system will automatically apply to each character that has fewer than 10 assignable Training Points Elite.
  • If you already have 10 points learned, it will not give you additional points.
  • No, the system will only raise you to the first 10 assignable points. That means if you have 9 learned, it sets you to 10; if you have 5, it sets you to 10, etc.


Important Changes

  • We have permanently doubled the Experience rates from their initial values.
  • Why?
  • Because I'm preparing the server for future episode expansions. Additionally, we concluded that it's a positive/healthy change after studying the updates from iRO and kRO, where they increased the exp rates when new episodes were introduced and removed 4th jobs. I concluded that lowering the leveling difficulty is a good change and that almost nobody derives satisfaction solely from leveling. The most important thing is to reach stages where you can hunt for good items or reach levels required to equip some renewal items (think 125, 150, 175, etc).
  • I reduced the number of mobs to kill in city/dungeon quest boards from 150 to 50, and significantly increased the experience they give.

EDDA: Old Pow

  • I implemented this new parallel continent of Old Pow. I hope it revives some nostalgia for you. Here's how it works:
  • To gain access to EDDA: Old Pow, you just need access to regular Old Pow; it doesn't require any additional quests. The entrance to EDDA: Old Pow is located at the central fountain in Old Prontera.
  • Entering EDDA: Old Pow will transform your character into its pre-reborn or Expanded 1-1 version if you're Expanded 2. The maximum level is 99. To revert to your normal attributes, simply speak with the fountain located in Old Prontera. Relogging, logging out, re-casting, or any other type of exit from the maps of EDDA: Old Pow will return your character to its normal form.
  • The monsters are the Pre-re versions that many of us know and are familiar with. The difference lies in the name, which includes 'Old' as a prefix. The drop rates of these mobs are also as they were in Pre-re. Additionally, all mobs in EDDA: Old Pow have a slight chance to drop a random Overseas Care Package (OCP), which contains very valuable items that we've brought to Pow from iRO and jRO. You can find more information on Divine-Pride or in our database.
  • The MVPs in EDDA: Old Pow drop Level 5 Rewards and have a high chance of dropping fixed OCPs. You can checkout the list below.
  • 3 Level 5 Rewards can be traded for 1 random OCP box (OCP 31).
  • Your skill and status preferences are saved automatically and are separate, meaning you can organize your shortcut bar without fear of losing the spaces when you return to your normal version.

Overseas Care Packages

  • I implemented OCPs from 1 to 42. OCPs from 43 to 58 belong to episode 18+ and I plan to implement them when we advance to that episode.
  • I recommend looking up the information on divine-pride to learn about the items you can obtain. There are many valuable items available.

Poison Wings

  • I implemented the Poison Wings. These can be obtained in the map EDDA: Old Prontera Dungeon 2 - 'eddap_dun02', where the Old Stratospider appears. They can be obtained by killing general mobs in the map or hunting the summoned Stratospider (90% drop!).
  • The wings can only be leveled up by hunting Poison element mobs and gain extra experience if the mob is level 120+.