Royal Banquet Daily Quests

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List of Daily Quest for Level 100

The Dress

  1. Speak to Agnes /navi prt_cas_q 96/184 inside the Rougenbourg residence.
  2. She will ask for some items. Here is the list of possible items:
    1. 5x 6511.pngBeautiful Flower, 5x 6510.pngElegant Flower, 5x 6509.pngMysterious Flower - Malaya field
    2. 20x 7205.pngPiece of Black Cloth - Niffleheim - Quve
    3. 20x 7122.pngBurning Hair - Magma dungeon - Explosion, Kasa, etc
    4. 5x 6557.pngFancy Fairy Wing - Eclage field - Menblatt
    5. 15x 7166.pngSoft Silk, 30x 507.pngRed Herb, 10x 509.pngWhite Herb - Kunlun Dungeon - Wicked Nymph
    6. 5x 1001.pngStar Dust - Morroc field - Sandman
  3. Return to Agnes with requested item to get 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 200,000 EXP Base & 200,000 EXP Job.

Cooldown quest name: Still Making It

Today I Feel

  • For first-timers:
  1. Catch up with Jurgen Wigner /navi prt_cas_q 94/10 and the maid comes in hoping to clean. She leaves because there are people inside the room. Jurgen becomes infatuated with her and has you deliver a letter to her.
  2. Bring the letter to the Maid /navi prt_cas 322/216 in the kitchen. She becomes overwhelmed and wants you to return the letter. She tells you her name is Mary and that she has personal reasons for turning him down.
  3. Return to Jurgen Wigner /navi prt_cas_q 94/10, who says his motto is try three times, once to begin, second to confirm, and third to try and give up. He wants to reuse his gift to his sister, so he wants you to collect 15x 6927.pngSea Stone and 1x 748.pngWitherless Rose.
  4. Give those items to Maid who appreciates the beauty of the gifts. But just like in a soap opera, the maid isn't the maid from the previous quest; it's her BROTHER! The first maid ran off and he had to cover her job so he became a maid.
  5. Return to Jurgen Wigner and tell him that the maid hasn't fully accepted his heart. He wants you to return every day to assure the maid of his love. He rewards you with 4 Honor Token, 200,000 EXP Base & 200,000 EXP Job.
  • For repeated runs:
  1. Speak to Jurgen Wigner /navi prt_cas_q 94/10 in Wigner residence.
  2. Collect 15x 6927.pngSea Stone and 1x 748.pngWitherless Rose. There is no need to come with more sea stone than required because all of them will be taken by the maid.
  3. Deliver to the Maid /navi prt_cas 322/216 in the kitchen.
  4. Return to Jurgen Wigner /navi prt_cas_q 94/10 to get 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 200,000 Base EXP & 200,000 EXP Job.

Cooldown quest name: There Is a Silver Lining

Banquet: Washing 15 Dishes

Washing 15 Dishes - Hidden Plate.jpg
  1. Enter the Kitchen Room /navi prt_cas 41/272 and speak to Dishwasher /navi prt_cas 302/204.
  2. Go to the Dining Room /navi prt_cas 57/217 and collect 15 High Class Dish from Plate.
    • Note: remember to check behind chairs and tables as they can cover the Plates.
  3. Return to Dishwasher to get 4x 6919.pngHonor Token.

Cooldown quest name: Complete Today's Dish Collecting

Banquet: Griffin Barbeque

  1. Enter the Kitchen Room /navi prt_cas 41/272 and speak to Royal Head Chef /navi prt_cas 308/200.
  2. Stand in empty spot between the Chefs /navi prt_cas 314/199 to start cooking.
  3. Go to the Dining Room /navi prt_cas 57/217 and click the Grilled Griffon /navi prt_cas 361/124 on the bottom-left corner table to obtain 4x 6919.pngHonor Token.

Cooldown quest name: Complete Today's Grilled Griffin

Banquet: Unexpected Sauce

  1. Enter the Kitchen Room /navi prt_cas 41/272 and speak to Royal Sauce Master /navi prt_cas 319/211.
  2. He requires you to collect sauces with the clue as follows:
    • Note: You must speak to him after grabbing each ingredient to get the next one:
    • Fresh/Refreshing Flavor - Muka Juice /navi prt_cas 303/214
    • Chewy Texture - Poring Jelly /navi prt_cas 306/195
    • Bright Light - Shining Plant /navi prt_cas 337/206
    • Soft/Tender Taste - Giantaurus Butter /navi prt_cas 329/209
  3. Do 4 of his request and get 4x 6919.pngHonor Token.

Cooldown quest name: Complete Today's Sauce

Hope You Cannot Let Go

  • Speak with Friedrich S. Heine /navi prt_cas_q 21/83 and he asks you if you want to go to the Room of Consciousness again.

Royal Banquet Daily Quests
Base Level: 100
Base Experience: 800,000 Base EXP (primera vez)
400,000 Base EXP (daily)
Job Experience: 800,000 Job EXP (primera vez)
400,000 Job EXP (daily)
Item(s): 30 Honor Token (primera vez)
10 Honor Token (daily)
  1. Ve a la Royal Memory, ya sea por:
    • Habla con el Chamberlain Bell /navi prt_cas_q 26/30 y elige Call Nillem. Luego, habla con el Court Mage Nillem /navi prt_cas_q 28/28 y selecciona Move to the Past Memories of the Royal Family, o
    • Habla con el Overwatcher Terketh /navi prt_pri00 55/128 y elige To the Past Memories of the Royal Family.
  2. Una vez dentro de la Royal Memory, habla nuevamente con el Mage Nillem /navi prt_lib 91/85 y aparecerá un Dimensional Warper.
  3. Utiliza el Dimension Warper para regresar al Antiguo Memoir de la Familia Real.
  4. Habla con Nillem /navi prt_lib_q 91/85 para reservar la instancia y luego con el Swaying Space para comenzar la instancia.
  5. Habla con Fenrir (1@mir 103,40) en la entrada.
  6. Camina hacia el altar y habla con Iris (1@mir 100,94). Encontrarán una pieza del Corazón de Ymir, mientras aparece un pequeño número de esqueletos moderadamente débiles (alrededor de 12k de HP).
    Hay dos oleadas de Esqueletos Mejorados.
    RoomOfConciousness enchantedSkeleton.pngRoomOfConciousness enchantedArcherSkeleton.png
  7. Una vez que las oleadas de monstruos hayan terminado, habla con Iris (1@mir 103,85).
  8. Spawneará un Renovated Amdarais.
    • El Renovated Amdarais es un monstruo de tipo normal, por lo tanto, Turn Undead y   610.png Yggdrasil Leaf
      tienen la posibilidad de eliminarlo.
    RoomOfConciousness renovatedAmdarais.png
  9. Habla con Iris una vez que sea derrotado, y luego Bijou te atacará ella misma. Te atacará con una versión muy débil de sí misma. Luego te atacará de nuevo con su forma de jefe normal.
    Nota: Puedes atraer a los monstruos hacia Iris y Fenrir, y ellos causarán un pequeño daño (1.5M - 2M) a los jefes. Lex Aeterna no afecta este daño
    RoomOfConciousness bijou.png
  10. Despues de derrotar a Bijou, habla con Iris (1@mir 100,95) para salir de la instancia.

Estratégia para Jugadores Débiles

  • Nota: El jugador necesita cualquier mascota, como un Poring, siguiéndolos para que esto sea lo más fácil posible.
  1. Durante las peleas con Renovated Amdarais y Bijou, después de golpear a los monstruos al menos una vez, a veces pueden aparecer los NPCs Iris y Fenrir en el centro.
  2. El jugador puede atraer a Amdarais o Bijou lejos hacia el borde de la instancia.
  3. El jugador, con una mascota, luego se acerca a Iris y Fenrir, quienes pueden realizar un ataque de 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 de daño en todo el mapa (no afectado por Lex Aeterna)
    • Existe la posibilidad de fallar al infligir daño.
  4. Luego, el jugador espera a que aparezcan de nuevo los NPCs Iris y Fenrir, se acerca a ellos con su mascota nuevamente para activar el ataque en todo el mapa.
  5. Siga repitiendo los pasos anteriores hasta que se anuncie que el monstruo se queda sin HP.
    • Renovated Amdarais no tiene anuncio, así que golpéalo de vez en cuando.
  6. Ataque al monstruo que solo tiene 10 HP restantes para matarlo.
  1. Leave the Old Memoir of Royal Family by either:
    • Go west down the hall to enter Destroyed Prontera. Talk to Nillem /navi prt_q 157/334 and choose Let's get out of here!, or
    • Talk to Nillem /navi prt_lib_q 91/85 and choose Return. Note that the portal to Sky Fortress is in Destroyed Prontera.
  2. Travel one room north of your suite, and speak with Friedrich S. Heine. He will reward you with 10x 6919.pngHonor Token.

Cooldown quest name: Nillem Is Not Almighty

List of Daily Quest for Level 140

Royal Banquet Daily Quests
Base Level: 140
Item(s) (Consumed): Varies
Hunting: Varies
Base Experience: Varies
Job Experience: Varies
Item(s): Honor Token

Warrior Discipline

  1. Speak to Butler for the Richards /navi prt_cas_q 80/80 in Richard Family residence.
  2. Choose option to kill 50 of certain monster race (must be lvl 140+) of ONE of the following: Human, Animal (Brute), Insect, Fish, Plant, Devil (Demon), Angel, Immortal (Undead), Intangible (Formless), or Dragon
  3. Return to Butler for the Richards after doing the task to receive 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 500,000 EXP Base & 550,000 EXP Job.

Cooldown quest name: [Stand by]Warrior Discipline

Request from Chief Guard

  1. Speak to Chief Guard Spiegel /navi prt_q 156/326 in ruined Prontera and he gives you ONE of the tasks below.
  2. After completing the task, return to Chief Guard Spiegel and receive 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 800,000 EXP Base & 250,000 EXP Job.

Cooldown quest name: [Stand by]Request from Chief Guard

  • Prtq05.jpg
  • Ungrateful
    1. Talk to Village Lad /navi prt_q 221/194.
    2. Bring him to Prontera pub /navi prt_q 79/100.
    3. Pick up his belongings on Prontera smelter /navi prt_q 180/184
    4. Go back to him in Prontera pub /navi prt_q 79/100.
  • Blatant Bluff
    1. Talk to the Soldier /navi prt_q 141/304.
    2. Bring him to knight base /navi prt_q 67/335.
    3. Bring him to Prontera pub /navi prt_q 80/103.
  • Mad Love for Wife Quest
    1. Talk to Eryus /navi prt_q 39/260.
    2. Bring him to church /navi prt_q 230/309.
    3. Get his wife on Prontera agency /navi prt_q 109/163.
    4. Bring her to church /navi prt_q 230/309
    5. Find her medicine on Prontera agency /navi prt_q 109/163.
    6. Finally bring it to church /navi prt_q 230/309.
  • Find My Sister
    1. Talk to the Girl /navi prt_q 274/242.
    2. Bring her to church /navi prt_q 228/317.
    3. Bring her to knight base /navi prt_q 57/345.

Prt prison prisonerLocations5.jpg

Suppressing Darkness

  1. Speak to Dark Lord /navi prt_prison 95/215 in the underground prison.
  2. Give him any flower.
    If you ever have trouble 710.pngIllusion Flower supposedly has 100% chance of him accepting.
    712.pngFlower has a high enough chance. (Bring about 50 to be safe)
    6509.pngMysterious Flower can also be used
  3. Receive 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 700,000 EXP Base & 500,000 EXP Job...

Cooldown quest name: [Stand by]Suppressing Darkness

Finding Lights

  1. Speak to Baphomet /navi prt_prison 105/75 in the underground prison.
  2. Collect 1x 6923.pngBright Light (obtainable from clicking on the big torches across the map).
    • There are many big torches near Stormy Knight's cell at /navi prt_prison 57/124
  3. Return to Baphomet and receive 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 700,000 EXP Base & 500,000 EXP Job...

Cooldown quest name: [Stand by]Finding Lights

To My Beloved Fellow

  1. Speak to Drake /navi prt_prison 245/255 in the underground prison.
  2. Find any Dark Shape across the map, talk to it and select "wait" at the end of the dialog. It gives you a letter.
  3. Return the letter to Drake and receive 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 700,000 EXP Base & 500,000 EXP Job.

Dark shapes can be found on one of these spots:

  1. /navi prt_prison 167/81
  2. /navi prt_prison 203/213
  3. /navi prt_prison 161/224
  4. /navi prt_prison 153/173
  5. /navi prt_prison 205/138

Cooldown quest name: [Stand by]To My Beloved Fellow

Clean Life

  1. Speak to Moonlight Flower /navi prt_prison 255/155 in the underground prison.
  2. Click the Rubbish Heap scattered all over the map, until you can't click anymore. (You don't have to clear every one.)
  3. Return to Moonlight Flower and receive 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 700,000 EXP Base & 500,000 EXP Job.

Cooldown quest name: [Stand by]Clean Life

Bothersome Little Thing

  1. Speak to Stormy Knight /navi prt_prison 55/125 in the underground prison.
  2. Collect 20x 6922.pngSandpaper (obtainable from Taffy).
  3. Return to Stormy Knight and receive 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 700,000 EXP Base & 500,000 EXP Job.


  • All players in the party have a chance of having the item appear in their inventory in addition to what falls on the ground but only while the quest is active.
  • Spawn rates are the lowest for Frozen Wolves & highest for Taffies, it's best to F or G wing around and find the wolves first.

Lowly Standards

  1. Speak to Dracula /navi prt_prison 265/195 in the underground prison.
  2. Collect 20x 6924.pngRed Eye (obtainable from Watcher).
  3. Return to Dracula and receive 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 700,000 EXP Base & 500,000 EXP Job.

Refreshing Prison Life

  1. Speak to Mistress /navi prt_prison 105/190 in the underground prison.
  2. Collect 20x 6921.pngDehumidifier (obtainable from Frozen Wolf)
  3. Return to Mistress and receive 4x 6919.pngHonor Token, 700,000 EXP Base & 500,000 EXP Job.


Mastering will do any of the 3 action with a random chance:

  • Teleport you to any sector if you give him 1x 909.pngJellopy.
  • Do nothing.
  • Let's you type in an announcement on the map.

There is cooldown where it won't entertain you for 2-3 minutes if the second or third option occurred.