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Esta instancia es repetible.
Dificultad Cooldown Tickets Disponibles
Normal Cada 3 días Solo: 1 Party: 2+

Descripción general

Nivel Base: 145+
Lugar de Inicio: prt_q 246/79
Items: Armas Vicious
Otros: Items intercambiables

La instancia de Sky Fortress es parte del Episodio 16.1, echa un vistazo a Banquet for Heroes para obtener más información. Se deben completar los requisitos previos para cada personaje.

Para obtener acceso a la instancia, debe tener acceso a Invaded Prontera. Dirígete a la esquina inferior derecha del mapa de Invaded Prontera y habla con el científico Doyeon.


Preparación: Trae Elixir de Norlax en caso de que tu grupo sea borrado, y prepara un grupo que pueda lidiar con el Paseo de Alucinación del MVP.

Explosion Seguida de Earthquake
  1. Una vez dentro, habla con Stefan J.E. Wolf para activar el diálogo.
  2. Aparecerá una versión débil del MVP, seguida de varias oleadas de Soldados Zombis Inmortales. Mátalos para continuar.
  3. Habla con Stefan J.E. Wolf nuevamente para abrir el portal al área de la escalera.
  4. Subiendo la escalera infestada de mafiosos, habrá varias puertas cerradas en el camino. Puedes abrirlos usando Sky Fortress Keys.
    • Entrar por las puertas te llevará a una de varias habitaciones llenas de monstruos. Al final de cada habitación, hay un monstruo jefe o un cofre del tesoro.
  5. En la parte superior del área de la escalera se encuentra la sala MVP. Camina hacia el norte y habla con Stefan J.E. Wolf para comenzar la batalla por el MVP.
    • Durante la pelea, aparecerán periódicamente numerosos zombis malditos inmortales y soldados zombis inmortales. Puedes tirar del MVP y luchar contra él en una esquina para evitar atraer a demasiados mobs menores.
    • Además, una vez que el MVP esté por debajo de cierto HP, ocurrirán numerosos terremotos por toda la habitación, cada uno precedido por un efecto de salpicadura púrpura 3 segundos antes. Esté atento a las salpicaduras y cambie de posición inmediatamente si aparece cerca de su personaje.
  6. Una vez que hayas derrotado al MVP, puedes abandonar la instancia usando el portal de escape en el medio de la habitación.

Sistema de boletos de una hora adicional

Cuando haces esta instancia cada 3 días, si llegas a la sala final de la instancia donde tienes que pelear con Stefan (no necesitas matar al MVP, solo ingresa a la sala), obtienes acceso a un boleto (real elemento que permanece en su inventario) del NPC que abre la urdimbre a Sky Fortress. Con este ticket en tu inventario puedes iniciar esta instancia tantas veces como quieras durante una sola hora. Esto significa que puede ingresar a la instancia unos segundos después de que el elemento se elimine de su inventario y aún borrar esa última ejecución, incluso si el elemento desapareció en el medio.

Nota: si hace clic con el botón derecho en el boleto, se mostrará el final de esta hora adicional según su hora local.


Image Name Level HP Size / Race / Element
Immortal Zombie Soldier.png Immortal Zombie Soldier 160 405,694 Medium / Undead / Undead 2
Sky Fortress Key Keeper.png Sky Fortress Key Keeper 160 423,332 Medium / Undead / Undead 2
Immortal Zombie Assault.png Immortal Zombie Assault 160 405,694 Medium / Undead / Undead 2
Immortal Cursed Zombie.png Immortal Cursed Zombie 160 405,694 Medium / Undead / Undead 2
Immortal Fortress Legion.png Immortal Fortress Legion 160 405,694 Medium / Undead / Undead 2
Immortal Nightmare Shadow.png Immortal Nightmare Shadow 160 423,330 Large / Demon / Dark 1
Immortal Angry Shadow.png Immortal Angry Shadow 160 423,330 Medium / Demon / Dark 1
Immortal Death Shadow.png Immortal Death Shadow 160 423,330 Medium / Demon / Dark 1
Immortal Cursed Knight.png Immortal Cursed Knight 160 7,000,000 Large / Formless / Dark 2
Immortal Wind Ghost.png Immortal Wind Ghost 160 7,000,000 Medium / Demon / Wind 2
Stefan.J.E.Wolf.png Stefan.J.E.Wolf 160 20,000,000 Large / Undead / Undead 1


Card Type Description
Card.pngImmortal Cursed Knight Weapon Card ATK +10%.

Has 2% chance of autocasting Ignition Break Lv 5 on a target when performing physical attacks.

If equipped with Stephen Jack Ernest Wolf Card, ASPD +1.

Card.pngImmortal Wind Ghost Weapon Card MATK +10%.

Has 1% chance of autocasting Killing Cloud Lv 5 on a target when performing magical attacks.

If equipped with Stephen Jack Ernest Wolf Card, reduce Variable Cast Time by 10%.

Card.pngStefan.J.E.Wolf Footgear Card Has 3.5% chance of autocasting Fire Walk Lv 5 on the wearer when receiving physical attacks.

Has 8% chance of autocasting Electric Walk Lv 5 on the user when receiving magical attacks.

Has 3% chance of gaining Flee +200 for 10 seconds when performing physical attacks.

Has 2.5% chance of gaining increased Movement Speed when performing magical attacks.

If equipped with Immortal Cursed Knight Card, ASPD +1.

If equipped with Immortal Wind Ghost Card, reduce Variable Cast Time by 10%.


Las armas viciosas se sueltan de los monstruos dentro de la instancia de Sky Fortress. Al igual que las armas carmesí, obtienen una cantidad sustancial de ATK/MATK con refinamientos más altos, hasta +15.

Imagen Nombre Description Dropeado Por
Vicious Mind Book-1-.png Vicious Mind Book[1]

90 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.
Matk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.
This item is indestructible in battle.

Immortal Zombie Assault
Vicious Mind Bow-1-.png Vicious Mind Bow[1] 170 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Cursed Zombie
Vicious Mind Dagger-1-.png Vicious Mind Dagger[1] 105 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Matk + 50

Additional Matk + ((upgrade level * upgrade level) / 2) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Fortress Legion
Vicious Mind Humma Shuriken-1-.png Vicious Mind Humma Shuriken[1] 105 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Matk + 50

Additional Matk + ((upgrade level * upgrade level) / 2) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

This item is indestructible in battle.

Immortal Zombie Assault
Vicious Mind Katar-1-.png Vicious Mind Katar[1] 180 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Fortress Legion
Vicious Mind Knuckle-1-.png Vicious Mind Knuckle[1] 150 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Zombie Assault
Vicious Mind Lance-1-.png Vicious Mind Lance[1] 225 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Zombie Assault
Vicious Mind Mace-1-.png Vicious Mind Mace[1] 130 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Zombie Assault
Vicious Mind Revolver-1-.png Vicious Mind Revolver[1] 150 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Cursed Zombie
Vicious Mind Rod-1-.png Vicious Mind Rod[1] Int + 5

Matk + 120

Additional Matk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

This item is indestructible in battle.

Immortal Cursed Zombie
Vicious Mind Saber-1-.png Vicious Mind Saber[1] 135 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Fortress Legion
Vicious Mind Spear-1-.png Vicious Mind Spear[1] 140 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Fortress Legion
Vicious Mind Two-Handed Staff-1-.png Vicious Mind Two-Handed Staff[1] Int + 6

Matk + 200

Additional Matk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

This item is indestructible in battle.

Immortal Cursed Zombie
Vicious Mind Two-Handed Axe-1-.png Vicious Mind Two-Handed Axe[1] 250 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Cursed Zombie
Vicious Mind Two-Handed Sword-1-.png Vicious Mind Two-Handed Sword[1] 220 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Matk + ((upgrade level * upgrade level) / 2) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Fortress Legion
Vicious Mind Violin-1-.png Vicious Mind Violin[1] 130 ATK

Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Matk + 50

Additional Matk + ((upgrade level * upgrade level) / 2) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Angry Shadow
Vicious Mind Wire-1-.png Vicious Mind Wire[1] Atk + (upgrade level * upgrade level) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Matk + 50

Additional Matk + ((upgrade level * upgrade level) / 2) up to a maximum upgrade level of 15.

Immortal Nightmare Shadow


Bonus Enchants

Cada una de estas armas viene con 3 encantamientos de bonificación que se determinan al azar. Tenga en cuenta que estos bonos varían mucho, por lo que deberá inspeccionar cada elemento nuevo uno por uno para ver si valen la pena para usted o no.

Vicious Mind Enchants

Weapon First Enchant Second Enchant Third Enchant

21016 (1).pngVicious Mind Two-Handed Sword[1]
1450 (1).pngVicious Mind Lance[1]
1400 (1).pngVicious Mind Spear[1]
28008 (1).pngVicious Mind Katar[1]
1800 (1).pngVicious Mind Knuckle[1]

  • Physical damage to [element] enemies +1~20%.
  • No weapon size penalty
  • Weapon cannot be broken in battle.
  • Weapon property: [element]
  • ATK +1~10%
  • Physical damage to [race] enemies +1~20%
  • Physical damage to boss enemies +1~20%
  • Physical damage to normal enemies +1~20%
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on [race] enemies
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on boss enemies
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on normal enemies
  • STR +3~10
  • AGI +3~10
  • LUK +3~10
  • ATK +1~50
  • CRIT +1~20
  • ASPD +1~5%
  • ASPD +1~5
  • Critical damage +1~20%

13328 (1).pngVicious Mind Huuma Shuriken
28805 (1).pngVicious Mind Book
28806 (1).pngVicious Mind Dagger

  • Physical damage to [element] enemies +1~20%.
  • No weapon size penalty
  • Weapon property: [element]
  • ATK +1~10%
  • Physical damage to [race] enemies +1~20%
  • Physical damage to boss enemies +1~20%
  • Physical damage to normal enemies +1~20%
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on [race] enemies
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on boss enemies
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on normal enemies
  • STR +3~10
  • AGI +3~10
  • INT +3~10
  • ATK +1~50
  • MATK +1~50
  • ASPD +1~5%
  • ASPD +1~5
  • After cast delay -1~20%
  • Variable cast time -1~20%

28107 (1).pngVicious Mind Two-Handed Axe
16041 (1).pngVicious Mind Mace
13455 (1).pngVicious Mind Saber

  • Physical damage to [element] enemies +1~20%.
  • No weapon size penalty
  • Weapon cannot be broken in battle.
  • Weapon property: [element]
  • ATK +1~10%
  • Physical damage to [race] enemies +1~20%
  • Physical damage to boss enemies +1~20%
  • Physical damage to normal enemies +1~20%
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on [race] enemies
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on boss enemies
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on normal enemies
  • STR +3~10
  • DEX +3~10
  • ATK +3~50
  • CRIT +1~20
  • ASPD +1~5
  • Critical damage +1~20%
  • Ranged damage +1~20%

1900 (1).pngVicious Mind Violin
1996 (1).pngVicious Mind Wire
13128 (1).pngVicious Mind Revolver
18121 (1).pngVicious Mind Bow

  • Physical damage to [element] enemies +1~20%.
  • No weapon size penalty
  • Weapon cannot be broken in battle.
  • ATK +1~10%
  • Physical damage to [race] enemies +1~20%
  • Physical damage to boss enemies +1~20%
  • Physical damage to normal enemies +1~20%
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on [race] enemies
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on boss enemies
  • Bypass 1~30% of DEF on normal enemies
  • AGI +3~10
  • DEX +3~10
  • LUK +3~10
  • ATK +1~50
  • CRIT +1~20
  • ASPD +1~5
  • Critical damage +1~20%
  • Ranged damage +1~20%

1600 (1).pngVicious Mind Rod
2026 (1).pngVicious Mind Two-Handed Staff

  • Magical damage to [element] enemies +1~20%.
  • Power of healing skills +1~20%
  • MATK +1~10%
  • Magical damage to [race] enemies +1~20%
  • Magical damage to boss enemies +1~20%
  • Magical damage to normal enemies +1~20%
  • Bypass 1~30% of MDEF on [race] enemies
  • Bypass 1~30% of MDEF on boss enemies
  • Bypass 1~30% of MDEF on normal enemies
  • DEX +3~10
  • INT +3~10
  • MATK +1~50
  • After cast delay -1~20%
  • Skill SP cost -1~10%
  • Variable cast time -1~20%
Race/Element Enchants
Enemy [element]'s Weapon property [element]'s Enemy [race]'s
  • Neutral
  • Water
  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Wind
  • Poison
  • Holy
  • Shadow
  • Ghost
  • Undead
  • Water
  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Wind
  • Shadow
  • Poison
  • Holy
  • Angel
  • Brute
  • Demi-Human
  • Demon
  • Dragon
  • Fish
  • Formless
  • Insect
  • Plant
  • Undead

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