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In PowRo-Archangels we have custom instance modes, which are:

  • Hardcore: The Drop and XP won, will be 2x of the normal mode but the MOB / MVP has 60% damage reduction. (x2 Instance Points)
  • Insane: The Drop and XP won, will be 3x of the normal mode but the MOB / MVP has 90% damage reduction. (x3 Instance Points)

Each instance will be added with a Shop npc in which they can buy items from that same instance in exchange for the points they get.

Nota: these modes share Cooldown, this means that if you do the Normal or Hardcore or Insane mode you will not be able to do another Mode.

List of instances deployed so far

Dimensional Gap


The dimensional gap, or dimensional rift, is an opening to the void of time and space that separates the dimensions. Such openings can only be created by beings of great power.

Traveling through dimensional gaps has been found to distort time, as some have reported 2 weeks in Jotunheim, while 3 hours were spent in Midgard.

Since Midgard and Muspelheim are separate realms, it is implied that Surt had used a dimensional gap when he invaded Midgard during the Thousand Years' War. After being expelled from Midgard, Surt may have used a Dimensional Gap again to invade the kingdom only to be stopped and imprisoned by Thanatos. Once released from his prison, Surt used the Dimensional Gap again to escape Midgard, except this time the gap remained open so that Midgard's adventurers could pursue him.

Finishing at Jotunheim, the Normans proceeded to establish a base camp and stabilize the dimensional gap from which they came. With further research, they began using the Dimensional Gap not only as a portal between Midgard and Jotunheim, but also as a means to time travel through Midgard's history.



To access in a simpler way, follow the following Guide


At Midgard Camp talk to the Dimensional Device: DimensionalDevice.png


  • Sara's Memory
  • Faceworm Nest
  • Geffen Magic Tournament
  • Ghost Palace
  • Sarah and Fenrir
  • Nightmarish Jitterbug
  • Devil's Tower
  • Airship Raid
  • Sky Fortress
  • Shadowed Dream
1st Floor
Second Floor