Play Dead

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Play Dead.png Play Dead
Play Dead Info.gif
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 1
SP Cost: 1
Duration: Indefinite
Target: Self
Status Icon: I PlayDead.png
In order to gain this skill, the player has to complete a quest.

Play Dead (Alt: Trick Dead) is a game start active skill available as Novice. This skill can only be learned through a certain quest. Also, if the player has promoted to any other class, this skill is no longer usable upon relogging or map change.


Feigns death to avoid menace of nearby enemies, including boss class monsters and other player races in PvP environments. This skill can be switched on and off.


  • Unlike other evasion skills such as Hiding, no monsters are able to detect a player in this state, including Bosses and MVPs.
  • This skill can be deactivated by Sage's Dispell or Swordman's Provoke.
  • A player feigning death can still be damaged and killed by the Tarot Card of Fate skill.
  • Area status inflicting skills like Hammer Fall, Venom Dust and Bloody Party does affect players feigning death.
  • When affected by the Bleeding status, this skill is deactivated upon every HP drain.