Quest rebellion

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Quest rebellion
Base Level: 99
Job Level: 50 (70 strongly recommended, will never recover lost skill points otherwise)
Job Class: Gunslinger
Item(s) (Consumed): 5x  6747.png Steel Artifact
Item(s):   13119.png Freedom Flame

Quest Reward(s): Job Change to Rebel
  1. Find the Suspicious Man /navi moc_fild12 261/318 near the pond south of Morroc and talk to him. The player is mistaken for another person (presumably someone quite androgynous if your character is female). Select either option to be transported across the map.
    • Non-iRO servers: The player may have to walk near the NPC to trigger the dialogue.
  2. Head to Einbroch and talk to the Bouncer /navi einbroch 54/97 in the bottom left of the city to enter the building.
    • Note: As of 2018, you cannot re-enter the building once you finish becoming a Rebel, so keep this in mind if you wish to explore the job change venue. This was confirmed not to be a bug.
  3. Speak with Kulbertinov behind the counter and select "I don't think I have a choice." He will warp the player to a new room.
  4. Talk to Elwin Conick in this room and sign the contract. The player will be warped to a next room.
  5. In this new room, Speak to Elwin Conick again and the player will given a test.
    • The player will be transformed into a Hunter Cecil and be given 3 minutes to finish the test.
    • The test can be restarted by talking to Elwin again if the 3 minutes have passed.
  6. Head to the bottom right of the room to turn on the furnace with the Furnace Controller /navi job_gun 163/18.
  7. The furnace will begin dispensing two (2) types of Steel Artifacts to the left of the controller.
    • You need to collect 5x  6747.png Steel Artifact
      in order to attempt making the gun.
  8. Once 5 of the Steel Artifact have been collected, head to the room near the controller.
  9. Use the Auto Anvil /navi job_dun 214/38 to try assembling a Fading Flame.
    • It is possible that the attempt will fail.
    • You can collect multiple sets of the brown artifacts or return to the previous room and collect more if it does fail.
  10. Once the gun has been made, speak to Elwin Conick near the anvil. The player will be warped to the next room.
  11. Speak to Ivan Sidorenko /navi job_gun 119/138. He will give the player 3 minutes to complete a target shooting test.
    • The player must kill 10 Standard-issue Targets (Hunter Cecil sprite) while avoiding Defective Targets (Sniper Cecil sprite).
    • If the player kills 3 of the Defective Targets, they will fail this portion of the quest and will have to restart the test.
  12. After killing 10 of the Standard-issue Targets, make way through the set of portals back to Ivan Sidorenko.
    • Speak to him again and he will teleport you to his office.
  13. Speak with Ivan Sidorenko and he will give the player a   13119.png Freedom Flame
    which is the gun they assembled in the first test and change their job into a Rebel. The player can opt to exit straight to Einbroch, but they will miss the last chance to explore the building as they will no longer be able to return.
  14. If the player wishes to buy Rebellion weaponry, the unit has dispatched vending machines in Prontera west of the central fountain.

Your next encounter with the Rebellion group will be in their Einbech headquarters during the Terra Gloria quest, where the Rebellion will be playing a major role.

  • As you were mostly an adventuring gunslinger during this time, they have yet to formally recognize you in the unit.