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Custom Server Features

  • Custom Instance Modes for every Instance
  • Costume NPC: Any headgear can be made into a Costume headgear.
  • Customized Tool Dealer
  • Daily Login Rewards
  • Official Premium Palettes
  • Custom Vending Map
  • Automated Events
  • Eden Group Quest Boards up to 150
  • Customizable Exp Rates
  • Player Commands: go, time, rates, commands, autoloot, alootid, aloottype, iteminfo, iteminfo2, mobinfo, whereis, whodrops, changegm, hominfo, homtalk, pettalk, dailies, cooldown, battlestats, showbuff, refresh, me, missionreset, duel, listenbg, joinbg, voteskip, irowiki, search


  • Healer
  • Dungeon and Instance Warper
  • Universal Rental Kafra
  • Stat and Skill Resetter
  • Builds Manager
  • Custom Stylist
  • Branch Room
  • Training Zones
  • Card Remover
  • Login Settings
  • Daily Reward System

See Also