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Found a total of 30524 record(s) across 306 page(s). Displaying result(s) 16001-16100.

Item ID ▲ Name Type SubType Equip Locations NPC Buy NPC Sell Weight Attack MATK Defense ▼ Range Slots Refineable For Sale Custom
27403 Latent Release (Star Emperor) Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27404 Latent Release (Soul Reaper) Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27405 Latent Release (Kagerou) Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27406 Latent Release (Oboro) Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27407 Latent Release (Rebellion) Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27408 Immune Fire Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27409 Immune Water Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27410 Immune Wind Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27411 Immune Earth Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27412 MaxHP + 15% Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27413 Power of Shango Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27414 Power of Ochosi Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27415 Power of Iansa Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27416 Power of Oshun Card Enchant None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27417 2nd Anniversary Card Card None Armor 20 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27421 Shard of Strength Jewel Card None Upper/Mid/Lower Headgear 20 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27422 Shard of Agility Jewel Card None Upper/Mid/Lower Headgear 20 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27423 Shard of Dexterity Jewel Card None Upper/Mid/Lower Headgear 20 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27424 Shard of Fatality Jewel Card None Upper/Mid/Lower Headgear 20 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27425 Shard of Vitality Jewel Card None Upper/Mid/Lower Headgear 20 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
27426 Shard of Intelligence Jewel Card None Upper/Mid/Lower Headgear 20 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 No No No
28000 Thanos Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 10 5 180 220 80 0 1 1 Yes No No
28001 Evil Slayer Ripper Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 120 120 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28002 Half BF Katar2 Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 0 130 0 0 1 0 Yes No No
28005 Blue Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 10 5 120 190 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28006 Ru Gold Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 120 190 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28007 Crimson Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 130 130 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28008 Vicious Mind Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 180 180 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28010 Juliette D. Rachel Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 250 300 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28011 Unity Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 65 123 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28014 Old King's Double Edge Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 280 150 0 0 1 3 Yes No No
28015 Enhanced Metal Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 0 100 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28018 Diva Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 280 150 250 0 1 1 Yes No No
28019 Mirage Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 280 150 250 0 5 1 Yes No No
28020 Katar of Evil Weapon Katar Two-Handed 100,000 50,000 80 110 0 0 1 0 Yes No No
28022 Illusion Infiltrator Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 150 200 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28023 Illusion Sharpened Legbone of Ghoul Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 170 220 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28024 Trial Guillotine Cross's Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 0 180 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28026 Neev Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 100,000 50,000 280 150 250 0 1 1 Yes No No
28027 Beginner Guillotine Cross's Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 0 170 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28034 Earth Dragon Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 120 150 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28035 Yinyang Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 120 150 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28036 Lesser Guild Member's Jamadhar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 60 125 0 0 1 0 Yes No No
28037 Abyss Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 280 150 250 0 1 1 Yes No No
28038 Meuchler-OS Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 130 190 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28039 Katar of Shiver Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 120 185 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28040 Sealed Katar of Shiver Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 0 185 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28042 Ripper Cross Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 150 250 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28044 Agudo Filo Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 200 270 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28045 Bolt Crusher Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 200 300 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28046 Royal Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 150 200 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28047 Scorpio Katar Weapon Katar Two-Handed 20 10 100 10 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28048 Ripper Cross Weapon Katar Two-Handed 200,000 100,000 280 150 250 0 1 1 Yes No No
28049 Agate Filo Weapon Katar Two-Handed 200,000 100,000 280 150 250 0 1 1 Yes No No
28053 [Not For Sale] Katar of Shiver Weapon Katar Two-Handed 0 0 120 185 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28100 Thanos Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 10 5 400 300 80 0 1 1 Yes No No
28101 Tornado Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 30,000 15,000 400 320 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28102 Half BF Two Handed Axe1 Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 20 10 0 200 0 0 1 0 Yes No No
28103 Blue Twohand Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 10 5 300 330 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28104 Ru Gold Axe M Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 300 330 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28105 Infinity Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 20 10 50 265 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28106 Crimson Two-Handed Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 20 10 200 200 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28107 Vicious Mind Two-Handed Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 20 10 250 250 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28110 Unity Two-Handed Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 20 10 100 190 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28113 Enhanced Metal Two-Handed Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 20 10 0 130 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28114 Veteran Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 300 250 0 0 1 3 Yes No No
28116 Mine Worker's Pickaxe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 10 5 400 300 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28117 Diva Twohand Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 400 320 200 0 1 1 Yes No No
28118 Mirage Twohand Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 400 320 200 0 5 1 Yes No No
28119 Two-Handed Axe of Evil Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 100,000 50,000 110 250 0 0 1 0 Yes No No
28120 Trial Mechanic's Two-Handed Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 20 10 0 200 0 0 1 1 Yes No No
28121 Neev Guillotine Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 100,000 50,000 400 180 110 0 1 1 Yes No No
28122 Neev Buster Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 100,000 50,000 350 180 110 0 1 1 Yes No No
28127 Mine Worker's Pickaxe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 40 300 0 0 1 3 Yes No No
28130 Avenger Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 600 270 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28131 Earth Dragon Axe Weapon Two-Handed Sword Two-Handed 0 0 140 180 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28132 Yinyang Axe Weapon Two-Handed Sword Two-Handed 0 0 140 180 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28133 Lesser Guild Member's Two-Handed Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 150 175 0 0 1 0 Yes No No
28135 Abyss Two Hand Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 400 320 200 0 1 1 Yes No No
28136 Blasti-OS Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 20 10 450 400 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28137 Sealed Avenger Weapon One-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 0 270 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28138 Maxi Spanner Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 450 340 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28140 Saw Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 500 350 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28141 Guardian Knight Battle Axe Weapon Two-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 500 270 0 0 1 2 Yes No No
28142 Maxi Spanner Weapon Two-Handed Axe Main Hand 200,000 100,000 400 320 200 0 1 1 Yes No No
28144 Level 5 Two-Handed Axe Weapon One-Handed Axe Two-Handed 0 0 0 10 10 0 1 4 Yes No No
28200 End Of The Horizon Weapon Grenade Launcher Two-Handed 2,700,000 1,350,000 240 410 0 0 9 1 Yes No No
28201 Southern Cross Weapon Grenade Launcher Two-Handed 2,800,000 1,400,000 200 480 0 0 9 0 Yes No No
28202 Southern Cross Weapon Grenade Launcher Two-Handed 2,800,000 1,400,000 200 480 0 0 9 1 Yes No No
28203 Half BF Rifle1 Weapon Rifle Two-Handed 0 0 0 50 0 0 9 0 Yes No No
28204 Half BF Shotgun1 Weapon Shotgun Two-Handed 0 0 0 100 0 0 9 0 Yes No No
28215 Trial Rebel's Rifle Weapon Rifle Two-Handed 20 10 0 200 0 0 9 1 Yes No No
28216 Trial Rebel's Gatling Gun Weapon Gatling Gun Two-Handed 20 10 0 180 0 0 7 1 Yes No No
28217 Trial Rebel's Grenade Launcher Weapon Grenade Launcher Two-Handed 20 10 0 350 0 0 9 1 Yes No No
28218 Trial Rebel's Shotgun Weapon Shotgun Two-Handed 20 10 0 180 0 0 9 1 Yes No No
28223 Finisher Weapon Rifle Two-Handed 20 10 200 200 0 0 9 2 Yes No No
28224 Dustfire Weapon Shotgun Two-Handed 20 10 130 300 0 0 9 2 Yes No No
28225 Burning Rose Weapon Gatling Gun Two-Handed 20 10 250 200 0 0 9 2 Yes No No
28226 Avenger Weapon Grenade Launcher Two-Handed 20 10 180 350 0 0 9 2 Yes No No
28227 Diva Rifle Weapon Rifle Two-Handed 0 0 85 170 0 0 9 1 Yes No No
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